alexalouit / ISPConfig-letsencrypt

Let's Encrypt support for ISPConfig
68 stars 23 forks source link

Can't install it #55

Closed fatmaddin2000 closed 8 years ago

fatmaddin2000 commented 8 years ago


I am running ISConfig on a Debian Wheezy.

If I folow your instructions and try to make the install script go I got:

ERROR: Let's Encrypt ( /root/.local/share/letsencrypt/bin/letsencrypt ) is missing, install it corecctly!

If I try to get it insalled manually. I couldn't get any further after: a2enconf letsencrypt

It states: -bash: a2enconf: Kommando nicht gefunden. - it's german for "command not found"

Do you have any advice?

All the best! Thanks a lot for your work for this community.

alexalouit commented 8 years ago

Hi, Let's Encrypt is installed? If is it, where is the binary file?

a2enconf command create symlink from / etc/apache2/conf-available to /etc/apache2/conf-enabled, which is a switch for enable/disable configuration file

If you want to do this manually, you can do this:

cd /etc/apache2/conf-enabled && ln -s ../conf-available/letsencrypt.conf ./letsencrypt.conf

then, restart apache Hope this work..

fatmaddin2000 commented 8 years ago


Thanks a lot. I am getting closer. Now there is the "Let's encrypt" checkbox in ispConfig. I tried to activate it for one domain/website and there is no success. After pressing save in the website options I get a code there:

#0 db->query(UPDATEweb_domainSETserver_id= '1',ip_address= 'MY.IP.ADD.RESS',ipv6_address= '',domain= 'my.domain',type= 'vhost',parent_domain_id= '0',vhost_type= 'name',hd_quota= '-1',traffic_quota= '-1',cgi= 'y',ssi= 'y',suexec= 'y',errordocs= '1',subdomain= 'www',ssl= 'y',ssl_letsencrypt= 'y',php= 'fast-cgi',fastcgi_php_version= '',perl= 'n',ruby= 'y',python= 'n',active= 'y' WHERE 1 AND domain_id = 4) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #1 tform_actions->onUpdateSave(UPDATEweb_domainSETserver_id= '1',ip_address= 'MY.IP.ADD.RESS',ipv6_address= '',domain= 'my.domain',type= 'vhost',parent_domain_id= '0',vhost_type= 'name',hd_quota= '-1',traffic_quota= '-1',cgi= 'y',ssi= 'y',suexec= 'y',errordocs= '1',subdomain= 'www',ssl= 'y',ssl_letsencrypt= 'y',php= 'fast-cgi',fastcgi_php_version= '',perl= 'n',ruby= 'y',python= 'n',active= 'y' WHERE 1 AND domain_id = 4) called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #2 tform_actions->onUpdate() called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #3 tform_actions->onSubmit() called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/sites/web_domain_edit.php:798] #4 page_action->onSubmit() called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/] #5 tform_actions->onLoad() called at [/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/sites/web_domain_edit.php:1098] Unknown column 'ssl_letsencrypt' in 'field list'

I replaced my Domain and my IP address in this. What's wrong with my installation?

Thanks a lot in advance.

alexalouit commented 8 years ago

Copy all files are in src, (i suspect src/interface/web/sites/form/web_domain.tform.php missing). Be sure to update your database.

Complete manual installation procedure is described in readme.

fatmaddin2000 commented 8 years ago

I re-installed the cert-bot and now it seems to work. Thanks a lot.

alexalouit commented 8 years ago
