alexander-pick / MKMTool

MKMTool ist a helper application I wrote for tinkering around with optimization of sale processes on and the idea of automisation of some tasks most people wouldn’t be able to get done by pure manpower.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Download Buys to Excel Duplicated Lines #29

Closed KonradHoeffner closed 3 years ago

KonradHoeffner commented 4 years ago

The export result is duplicated dozens of times with different ids and different dates, resulting in a more than 7 MB file with more than 80000 lines.


-- -- -- -- -- --
397407968 13.09.10 19:01 Curse of the Cabal Time Spiral English 0.19
397407968 13.09.10 19:01 Plague Sliver Time Spiral English 0.19
397407968 13.09.10 19:01 Die Königin anflehen Schattenmoor German 0.44
397407968 13.09.10 19:01 Corrupt Magic 2011 English 0.06
397407968 13.09.10 19:01 Elixir of Immortality Magic 2011 English 0.19
397407968 13.09.10 19:01 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade Future Sight English 1.94
299566488 13.09.10 19:01 Curse of the Cabal Time Spiral English 0.19
299566488 13.09.10 19:01 Plague Sliver Time Spiral English 0.19
299566488 13.09.10 19:01 Die Königin anflehen Schattenmoor German 0.44
299566488 13.09.10 19:01 Corrupt Magic 2011 English 0.06
299566488 13.09.10 19:01 Elixir of Immortality Magic 2011 English 0.19
299566488 13.09.10 19:01 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade Future Sight English 1.94
KonradHoeffner commented 4 years ago

Also the language differs, is it possible to have all in English?

tomasjanak commented 4 years ago

I've fixed the bug with the duplication (commit ), thanks for reporting this. It seems correct now, but let me know if you find some mistake.

I don't like making changes to how a module behaves (like changing the language of the output) so that people who are already using it are not surprised/annoyed. But given that this clearly wasn't really working correctly so far anyway, I've made the change (commit But if somebody wants to add some settings to toggle between "export in english" / "export in original language", it would be nice (I'm not going to do that though).

The link to the windows binary compiled by me is updated (version

Note: the translation works only for magic singles, any other product will be the way MKM sends it. I can verify that for M:tG booster boxes MKM is always using English names even for boxes in other languages (while for singles they use the language of the card). But there might be products that will end up non-english, particularly singles of different games than M:tG.