alexander171294 / RustMon

Rust game admin tool for servers (RustMonitor)
Apache License 2.0
20 stars 3 forks source link

Possible for autofill the server ip, port, password? #15

Closed Bazimek closed 2 years ago

Bazimek commented 3 years ago

Hey will it be possible to autofill the server ip, port, rcon password for connect via www adress? Something like:


??? Or how can I change this <input type="text" placeholder="server ip" [(ngModel)]="serverIP" (keypress)="kpConn($event)"/>

to something like this? <input type="text" value="X.X.X.X" placeholder="server ip" [(ngModel)]="serverIP" (keypress)="kpConn($event)"/>

alexander171294 commented 2 years ago

yes, and I discovered why you can't copy the SteamID, it's because you can't use copy function in chrome if you aren't using SSL, and you can't connect properly to your server if you don't use it,

I'm working in fix for that. and adding this request.

alexander171294 commented 2 years ago

In the last version you can do this:
