alexander171294 / RustMon

Rust game admin tool for servers (RustMonitor)
Apache License 2.0
20 stars 3 forks source link

Suggestion: Timed commands? #29

Open Bazimek opened 2 years ago

Bazimek commented 2 years ago


I download the master version and I see this: image

Can't wait for it! Really nice plugin like feature, but what about timed messages? Will it be possible to do?

Sorry for brnging it here, but I really do not know where I can put suggestions.

alexander171294 commented 2 years ago

Hi!, you can create issues for suggestion without problem.

Okay, i will add timed messages.

The only one thing you may need take in consideration is the fact that if the dashboard is closed, the messages won't be sended.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Bazimek commented 2 years ago

Not even when you run the dashboard from dedicated server? Like it will add a timed message thre the con/rcon ?

alexander171294 commented 2 years ago

It is because the dashboard works in the client side, the server only serves the javascript, and all the connections are made from chrome directly to the rust server, if you close your browser, the dashboard automatically exit.

The only two ways to mantain that kind of features working when you close your server are:

First: we can make a Umod for the dashboard in order to add that kind of features Second: we can create a tunnel in order to mantain the connection when the browser is closed, and in this case we need to add this "proxy" in backend language to your server and add configurations to dashboard in order to allow you to change the endpoint of that service.

I think the best approach is make a Umod for your server but I haven't experience making mods for games.

Bazimek commented 2 years ago

Oh ye I understand. I know there is some website which can do this timed commands so I thought it is easier than that. Thank you for the info.

alexander171294 commented 2 years ago

Hmm, rustadmin uses a custom mod for add features like maps and that kind of things.

Can you add the website which do that? (for research)

Bazimek commented 2 years ago

Ye I meant RustAdmin website. And there is another tool which can do that, I like it, but it is not anymore updated.

toqen360 commented 2 years ago

hello alexander, my name is Eduardo. We need your guidance and direction to work on your poker repository. we can pay you for your services, how can we contact you?

alexander171294 commented 2 years ago

hello alexander, my name is Eduardo. We need your guidance and direction to work on your poker repository. we can pay you for your services, how can we contact you?

this isn't the repository of web-poker.