alexander171294 / RustMon

Rust game admin tool for servers (RustMonitor)
Apache License 2.0
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Console command send with enter does not work #8

Closed Bazimek closed 3 years ago

Bazimek commented 3 years ago

Hello, the console command send with enter does not work. Can you fix it please?

Bazimek commented 3 years ago


alexander171294 commented 3 years ago

done, if you want another functionality, please create a new issue.

I updated the project and add a server config window, and your fix in chat time.

Bazimek commented 3 years ago

Oh nice! Thank you! Do you have some tutorial how to update it without losing my added stuff? I added like FPS showing, entity show, button for writecfg etc. But im so excited for this issue fixed.

alexander171294 commented 3 years ago

can you share me your project with the changes in order to implement in my project?, if you would like to contribute.

In any case, you can add this changes to your project.

Bazimek commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your help. I have changed this stuff:

  1. Added EntityCount to the top
  2. Added FPS to the top
  3. Repair time in chat (was 1970)
  4. Added button for writecfg command
  5. Added button for o.version check command

These are just my tries and I don't think so everyone like them. It is not much, but I am not a programmer so for me it was a lot of work. :-D If you want I can ofcourse share the code with you, but I think for you it is like one minute of work. rustmonitor

Bazimek commented 3 years ago

One more thing. Where I can add a suggestion for a feature? That is a pull request here? And thank you very much for this update. Sending commands with enter is so much smoother, relaxing than clickin on the button EXEC and SEND

alexander171294 commented 3 years ago

I will work with this features and copy steamid feature.

If you want to request a new feature, please open an issue with label "enhancement"


alexander171294 commented 3 years ago

Hi! Bazimek, you can see the last changes here:

I added Entity count, Fps count, fixed time, adding full screen for configure your server info and writecfg button, I added a set of preloaded commands as o.version, time, populations, infos and calls.

I added a link to full command list in console panel, and context-menu (right click) in chat. And I added queue and skipqueue command (but I can't test it because I don't have a server).

And fix another smallest issues, please can you try to update (clone in anothe folder and test it).

If you have any question or comment, please write it.

Bazimek commented 3 years ago

Hello, very nice update. I love it! Only what I don't like personally is the AM/PM time. I like the 24h time format. So I will try change that for myself. But it will be so good to have like panel-configuration menu for things like that if this is possible.

I added a link to full command list in console panel

What is this exactly? When I right click in the console panel nothing happening (only normally windows menu).

alexander171294 commented 3 years ago

AM/PM? I don't know where is it, in the screenshots you can see the chat time format is in 24hs mode (i think).

The command list is in top of console panel, floating right to the title "Console" have an icon "(?)" this open new window with 3rd party page of full command list and details.

Thanks, I will update the endpoint soon!