alexanderatallah /

Use your own AI models on the web
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Using basaran for loading custom Hugging Face models #45

Open handrew opened 1 year ago

handrew commented 1 year ago

Just adding my notes here on how to run basaran as a local backend to Window. Happy to add the below to wherever appropriate in the repo.

Their repo makes it pretty easy to set up with just a python virtualenv. The process for me was as simple as:


  1. Create a virtualenv with virtualenv -p python3 basaran_env and activate it source basaran_env/bin/activate.
  2. pip install basaran
  3. Then, running MODEL=user/repo PORT=8000 python -m basaran downloads the model located at<user>/<repo>, (e.g., gpt2 or allenai/tk-instruct-3b-def) to the current folder and serve it via localhost:8000/v1/completions. You can confirm it works by running:
curl \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{ "prompt": "once upon a time," }'
  1. Set the Local model endpoint in Window to (instead of the default


alexanderatallah commented 1 year ago

@handrew what's the error that happens on the homepage or chatbotui? This should work - basically, the llm/local.ts model converts chats to completions in the transformRequest method

handrew commented 1 year ago
Uncaught Error: MODEL_REJECTED_REQUEST: 404: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404
Error: MODEL_REJECTED_REQUEST: 404: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404