alexanderbergman7 / metanlrpp

Official Implementation for Fast Training of Neural Lumigraph Representations using Meta Learning.
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Preprocessing my own dataset #4

Open svsambandam opened 2 years ago

svsambandam commented 2 years ago

Hello, Will you be releasing the code used to preprocess the datasets? I am hoping to run my own data in the model but am unable to create the proper .npy files. Thank you!

ghost commented 2 years ago

Did you test the DTU data? I've tried, the error is cuda out of memory, But I have eight 32G tesla GPU

svsambandam commented 2 years ago

@chenlinjia I was able to run DTU on a single gpu with 8gb, but to do so I had to reduce im_scale to 0.1 for the time being. There must be something else that's the issue but unfortunately I am unfamiliar with running things on multiple gpus but i hope this provides a quick bandaid solution for now :))