Program seems to always assume landscape display orientation, and will truncate image on landscape oriented displays. This can be corrected by adding the "-s" scale flag with some fiddling around as this feature isn't specifically clear (for others reading this, any decimal value greater than one is larger, any value less than one and greater than zero is smaller. DEFAULT_WIDTH and DEFAULTHEIGHT variables in gluqlo.c only effect windowed size when executed directly and not as a xscreensaver hack, as a hack it seems to ignore these variables). The "-s" flag can also be used to tweak how "full" the display is on the screen. The "-w", "-h" and "-r" flags seem to have no effect if supplied in "advanced" hack mode that I can tell, I assume they simply alter the "DEFAULT" values mentioned above. Also "-h", a fairly standard usage flag, "Segmentation fault"s, maybe "-h", "-?" and "--help" should all output usage data to avoid the appearance that something is broken.
Anyway... A command line flag like "-p" for portrait or "-o " (defaulting to the as is current landscape mode), where portrait stacks the rounded boxes vertically one on top of the other as opposed to the landscape horizontally oriented, would be a nice feature, and either way be more aware of the limits of the display area without having to fiddle with the scale.
This program, even as is, is excellent for small TFT displays on SBCs like the Raspberry Pi, and provides a really easy option for a continuous useful display, and acting as a screensaver running over a Chromium kiosk GUI driving some scripts, makes for a really simple to create black box controller with a stealth function hidden beneath the clock display. A RPi Zero with a 2.4" display is actually about small enough to stick in a wall switch box.
Program seems to always assume landscape display orientation, and will truncate image on landscape oriented displays. This can be corrected by adding the "-s" scale flag with some fiddling around as this feature isn't specifically clear (for others reading this, any decimal value greater than one is larger, any value less than one and greater than zero is smaller. DEFAULT_WIDTH and DEFAULTHEIGHT variables in gluqlo.c only effect windowed size when executed directly and not as a xscreensaver hack, as a hack it seems to ignore these variables). The "-s" flag can also be used to tweak how "full" the display is on the screen. The "-w", "-h" and "-r" flags seem to have no effect if supplied in "advanced" hack mode that I can tell, I assume they simply alter the "DEFAULT" values mentioned above. Also "-h", a fairly standard usage flag, "Segmentation fault"s, maybe "-h", "-?" and "--help" should all output usage data to avoid the appearance that something is broken.
Anyway... A command line flag like "-p" for portrait or "-o" (defaulting to the as is current landscape mode), where portrait stacks the rounded boxes vertically one on top of the other as opposed to the landscape horizontally oriented, would be a nice feature, and either way be more aware of the limits of the display area without having to fiddle with the scale.
This program, even as is, is excellent for small TFT displays on SBCs like the Raspberry Pi, and provides a really easy option for a continuous useful display, and acting as a screensaver running over a Chromium kiosk GUI driving some scripts, makes for a really simple to create black box controller with a stealth function hidden beneath the clock display. A RPi Zero with a 2.4" display is actually about small enough to stick in a wall switch box.