alexanderkroner / saliency

Contextual Encoder-Decoder Network for Visual Saliency Prediction [Neural Networks 2020]
MIT License
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Hello there,I don't know why i couldn't download the pre-train model #23

Closed JJumperer closed 2 years ago

JJumperer commented 2 years ago

(finalwork) C:\Users\86185\Desktop\saliency-master>python test -d cat2000 -p C:\Users\86185\Desktop\saliency-master\tset

Downloading pre-trained weights...Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 249, in main() File "", line 245, in main test_model(, paths, config.PARAMS["device"]) File "", line 174, in test_model model_name[:-3]) File "C:\Users\86185\Desktop\saliency-master\", line 469, in download_pretrained_weights with zipfile.ZipFile(data_path + "", "r") as zip_ref: File "C:\Users\86185\anaconda3\envs\finalwork\lib\", line 1131, in init self._RealGetContents() File "C:\Users\86185\anaconda3\envs\finalwork\lib\", line 1198, in _RealGetContents raise BadZipFile("File is not a zip file") zipfile.BadZipFile: File is not a zip file

did i set the wrong environment or miss some steps?

JJumperer commented 2 years ago

by the way,i suggest that you should add the requirement that the package's version of numpy, cause i could not run the code with a later version until i change it into 1.16.0

alexanderkroner commented 2 years ago

Hi, I tested the command and couldn't reproduce your error. Are you using the most recent version of the code? In one of the last commits, I had to change the function for downloading from google drive and remember seeing an error similar to yours before that.

JJumperer commented 2 years ago

thanks,i checked again and found that i forgot to change the device into cpu thanks for your wonderful code and your help