alexanderlavrushko / BLEProof-collection

Example of complete BLE application: Central and Peripheral for Android, iOS, ESP32, Arduino Nano 33
124 stars 39 forks source link

Thank you once again for your contributions. #8

Open deokgyuhan opened 10 months ago

deokgyuhan commented 10 months ago

Hello, I'm the Flutter developer who visited you before. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your open-source contributions. I have finally created an open-source project utilizing your work to benefit Flutter developers, and I have clearly mentioned your GitHub address in the README to acknowledge that I used your work to create this Flutter plugin. I'm thrilled to share this news with you, even though it's a bit late. Thank you once again for your contributions.

alexanderlavrushko commented 10 months ago

Hello @deokgyuhan! Thank you for appreciation and great work with Flutter plugin 👍