alexandervdm / gummi

Simple LaTeX editor
MIT License
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Snippets crash Gummi on OpenBSD #145

Closed usermjs closed 3 years ago

usermjs commented 3 years ago

Use of any snippet immediately causes Gummi to crash on OpenBSD 6.7. It doesn't matter if the snippet is called with tab or via a shortcut.

alexandervdm commented 3 years ago

I have reproduced this issue and found the cause. I send a message to the maintainer of the port so we can hopefully push a fix.

mkilian commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce the problem on -current, too, but at least in one case it did not occur, so it's not completely deterministic.

Alexander suggested in his mail to me to use ports gcc instead of base gcc, but that would be a last resort -- I'll try to build gummi with debugging enabled and to install some debug-* packages to get a useful backtrace and to find (and fix) the real cause.

alexandervdm commented 3 years ago

Have to agree with @mkilian here. I can't explain why this bug would be non-deterministic - provided the input is constant - but I admit not being well acquainted with this particular component of Gummi.

I believe a705dfc2009dc1a43907d28be13ceefde74252c5 fixes the issue. If you can confirm I will create a new release momentarily.

alexandervdm commented 3 years ago

Works for me, please re-open if the patch above or the release I'm about to build does not solve the issue.