alexandervdm / gummi

Simple LaTeX editor
MIT License
738 stars 94 forks source link

Problem with a package on arch linux #150

Closed tema3210 closed 3 years ago

tema3210 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Not working preview; cannot exit from app while oppened a project; not detecting bibliography

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open an editor
  2. Hello message preview don't work
  3. Open a project, see no bibliography detection (--debug shown nothing interesting here)
  4. See the preview that doen't work and the app not responding on close.
  5. Check the terminal and /usr/lib to see that gummi tries to load when the only present one is


Other Debug info:

[tema3210@tema3210-80tj lib]$ gummi --debug
[Info] Gummi version: 0.8.1
[Info] Configuration file: /home/tema3210/.config/gummi/gummi.ini
latex: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Error] Error detecting version for latex. Please report a bug
[Info] Texlive 0 was found installed
pdflatex: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Info] Typesetter detected: Unknown, please report a bug
xelatex: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Info] Typesetter detected: Unknown, please report a bug
[Info] Typesetter detected: This is LuaHBTeX, Version 1.12.0 (TeX Live 2020/Arch Linux)
[Info] Typesetter detected: Latexmk 4.69a
[Info] Snippets : /home/tema3210/.config/gummi/snippets.cfg
[Debug] Gummi created!
[Debug] Preview detected screen DPI at 96,0
[Info] Using libpoppler 20.09.0

(gummi:42867): GLib-CRITICAL **: 20:35:14.615: g_file_test: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[Debug] GummiGui created!
[Info] Typesetter xelatex configured
[Thread][Debug] motion_compile_thread ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread sleeping...
[Info] Setting styles scheme to classic
[Info] Environment created for:
[Info] TEX: (null)
[Info] TMP: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/gummi_MFFDW0
[Info] PDF: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/gummi_MFFDW0.pdf
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread awoke.
latex: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(gummi:42867): GLib-CRITICAL **: 20:35:14.963: g_utf8_strlen: assertion 'p != NULL || max == 0' failed
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread sleeping...
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread awoke.
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread sleeping...
[Info] Setting styles scheme to classic
[Info] Environment created for:
[Info] TEX: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/main.tex
[Info] TMP: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.main.tex.swp
[Info] PDF: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/.main.tex.pdf
[Warning] Swap file `/home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.main.tex.swp' found.
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread awoke.
[Info] Setting styles scheme to classic
[Info] Environment created for:
[Info] TEX: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/introduction.tex
[Info] TMP: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.introduction.tex.swp
[Info] PDF: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/.introduction.tex.pdf
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 1
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Warning] Swap file `/home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.introduction.tex.swp' found.
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Info] Setting styles scheme to classic
[Info] Environment created for:
[Info] TEX: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/title.tex
[Info] TMP: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.title.tex.swp
[Info] PDF: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/.title.tex.pdf
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 2
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Warning] Swap file `/home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.title.tex.swp' found.
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Info] Setting styles scheme to classic
[Info] Environment created for:
[Info] TEX: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/chapter3.tex
[Info] TMP: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.chapter3.tex.swp
[Info] PDF: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/.chapter3.tex.pdf
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 3
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Warning] Swap file `/home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.chapter3.tex.swp' found.
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Info] Setting styles scheme to classic
[Info] Environment created for:
[Info] TEX: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/chapter2.tex
[Info] TMP: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.chapter2.tex.swp
[Info] PDF: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/.chapter2.tex.pdf
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 4
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Warning] Swap file `/home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.chapter2.tex.swp' found.
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Info] Setting styles scheme to classic
[Info] Environment created for:
[Info] TEX: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/chapter1.tex
[Info] TMP: /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.chapter1.tex.swp
[Info] PDF: /home/tema3210/.cache/gummi/.chapter1.tex.pdf
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 5
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Warning] Swap file `/home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.chapter1.tex.swp' found.
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 0
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread sleeping...
[Debug] Preview scrollbar positions saved at x/y = 0,00/0,00
[Info] loading /home/tema3210/projects/diploma/documentation/.main.tex.swp ...
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread awoke.
latex: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(gummi:42867): GLib-CRITICAL **: 20:35:52.709: g_utf8_strlen: assertion 'p != NULL || max == 0' failed
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread sleeping...
[Debug] Preview scrollbar positions saved at x/y = 0,00/0,00
[Debug] Preview scrollbar positions restored at x/y = 0,00/0,00
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread awoke.
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread sleeping...
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 1
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Thread][Debug] Compile thread awoke.
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 2
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 3
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 4
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Debug] Switched to environment at page 5
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
[Debug] motion_stop_compile_thread ()
[Debug] motion_do_compile ()
jimdeekepler commented 3 years ago

Hi, also using gummi on an archlinux.

Problem is most likely the missing file (as you already stated). Can you try the following command? Following shows the output on my system.

% ldd $(which gummi) | grep poppler => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f198d876000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f198c7a9000)

As you can see, my gummi binary is referencing

Here are the versions of gummi and poppler i am using

% pacman -Q gummi                         
gummi 2:0.8.1-2

% pacman -Q poppler                       
poppler 20.12.1-1

EDIT: My initial recommendation was wrong, thus i replaced it.

Can you try to make a system upgrade, e.g. pacman -Syu In the list of upgradable packages, there should be poppler and probably poppler-glib

franky436 commented 3 years ago

Running Manjaro 20.2.1 here, all updates installed. Installed Gummi 2:0.8.1-2 via "sudo pacman -S gummi" ... Works nicely. poppler version: 21.01.0-1

alexandervdm commented 3 years ago

I think @jimdeekepler is correct, re-open if not the case.

RiedleroD commented 3 years ago

I can confirm @jimdeekepler's solution works, although I've only had and it tried to load Maybe a message regarding this and/or similar inconveniences could be added? Something like "make sure that all of your packages are up-to-date before reporting a bug".