alexandervdm / gummi

Simple LaTeX editor
MIT License
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REGEX search/replace #162

Open cmahte opened 2 years ago

cmahte commented 2 years ago

Usefulness would be exponentially greater if search replace had regex functionality... that is the ability to include variable find inside replace

search: (^[A-Z ]+[^\n])

replace: \{\\fontfamily\{qpl\} \\selectfont \\large \\textbf\{$1\}\}

This or similar would turn all text rows in capital letters into section titles, with a single "replace all". Doing this in an alternate editor for now, but conflicts between gummi and jedit breaks the live view between them frequently.

cmahte commented 2 years ago

Alternatively, in the interim, and probably much less resource intensive... enable a shortcut for the missing menu item "reload document".