alexandrainst / alexandra-trackmap-panel

Grafana map plugin to visualise coordinates as markers, hexbin, ant path, or heatmap.
MIT License
78 stars 26 forks source link

'lats is undefined' #109

Open JoKoopmann opened 1 year ago

JoKoopmann commented 1 year ago

Hello, we got Problems in Version 2.30 of your Plugin with Grafana 10.0.1 as also just tested in Grafana version 8.5.27. We got the Error "lats is undefined' and thats all. We use Mysql (Mariadb) as datasource. The older version 2,14 of you plugin runs well. Below our JSON: { "datasource": { "type": "mysql", "uid": "a09ae0d3-8a14-46ee-9d21-e5471af0458f" }, "description": "neue Version Track Map", "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "id": 1, "options": { "viewType": "ant", "map": { "useCenterFromFirstPos": true, "useCenterFromLastPos": false, "zoomToDataBounds": false, "centerLatitude": 56.17203, "centerLongitude": 10.1865203, "zoom": 10, "useBoundsInQuery": false, "tileUrlSchema": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "tileAttribution": "&copy <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap contributors" }, "coordinates": { "customLatitudeColumnName": "Breite", "customLongitudeColumnName": "Laenge" }, "discardZeroOrNull": true, "displayHoverMarker": true, "ant": { "delay": 400, "weight": 5, "color": "rgba(0, 100, 255, 1)", "pulseColor": "red", "paused": false, "reverse": false, "hardwareAccelerated": true, "labelName": "", "colorOverridesByLabel": [] }, "heat": { "maxValue": 1 }, "marker": { "size": 25, "sizeLast": 25, "showOnlyLastMarker": false, "useSecondaryIconForLastMarker": false, "useSecondaryIconForAllMarkers": false, "useHTMLForMarkers": false, "defaultHtml": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" width=\"25px\" height=\"25px\" viewBox=\"0 0 25 25\" version=\"1.1\"><g id=\"surface1\"><path style=\" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,50%,50%);fill-opacity:0.8;\" d=\"M 12.515625 0 L 12.480469 0 C 8.164062 0 4.652344 3.511719 4.652344 7.828125 C 4.652344 10.65625 5.941406 14.386719 8.480469 18.921875 C 10.363281 22.285156 12.273438 24.859375 12.292969 24.882812 C 12.347656 24.957031 12.429688 24.996094 12.519531 24.996094 C 12.523438 24.996094 12.523438 24.996094 12.527344 24.996094 C 12.617188 24.996094 12.703125 24.949219 12.753906 24.871094 C 12.773438 24.84375 14.667969 21.980469 16.539062 18.476562 C 19.066406 13.75 20.347656 10.164062 20.347656 7.828125 C 20.347656 3.511719 16.832031 0 12.515625 0 Z M 16.128906 8.019531 C 16.128906 10.019531 14.5 11.648438 12.5 11.648438 C 10.496094 11.648438 8.867188 10.019531 8.867188 8.019531 C 8.867188 6.015625 10.496094 4.386719 12.5 4.386719 C 14.5 4.386719 16.128906 6.015625 16.128906 8.019531 Z M 16.128906 8.019531 \"/>", "labelName": "", "markerHtmlByLabel": [], "alwaysShowTooltips": false, "tooltipOffset": "", "popupOffset": "", "iconOffset": "" }, "hex": { "opacity": 0.6, "colorRangeFrom": "#f7fbff", "colorRangeTo": "#ff0000", "radiusRangeFrom": 5, "radiusRangeTo": 12 }, "hoverMarker": { "color": "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "fillColor": "rgb(65, 105, 225)", "fillOpacity": 1, "weight": 2, "radius": 7 } }, "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "mysql", "uid": "a09ae0d3-8a14-46ee-9d21-e5471af0458f" }, "editorMode": "code", "format": "table", "rawQuery": true, "rawSql": "SELECT FORMAT(val,6) as Breite, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) as time_sec FROM iobroker.ts_number where id = '283' and _from = '7' and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) >= $timeFrom()) and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) <= $__timeTo()) ORDER BY ts ASC;", "refId": "A", "sql": { "columns": [ { "parameters": [], "type": "function" } ], "groupBy": [ { "property": { "type": "string" }, "type": "groupBy" } ], "limit": 50 } }, { "datasource": { "type": "mysql", "uid": "a09ae0d3-8a14-46ee-9d21-e5471af0458f" }, "editorMode": "code", "format": "table", "hide": false, "rawQuery": true, "rawSql": "SELECT FORMAT(val,6) as Laenge, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) as time_sec FROM iobroker.ts_number where id = '282' and _from = '7' and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) >= $timeFrom()) and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) <= $__timeTo()) ORDER BY ts ASC;", "refId": "B", "sql": { "columns": [ { "parameters": [], "type": "function" } ], "groupBy": [ { "property": { "type": "string" }, "type": "groupBy" } ], "limit": 50 } } ], "title": "Track Routen", "type": "alexandra-trackmap-panel" }

Our Data: { "state": "Done", "series": [ { "refId": "A", "meta": { "typeVersion": [ 0, 0 ], "executedQueryString": "SELECT FORMAT(val,6) as Breite, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) as time_sec FROM iobroker.ts_number where id = '283' and _from = '7' and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1687471200)) and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) <= FROM_UNIXTIME(1687557599)) ORDER BY ts ASC;" }, "fields": [ { "name": "Breite", "type": "string", "typeInfo": { "frame": "string", "nullable": true }, "config": {}, "values": [ "52.029851", "52.030179", "52.022359", "52.015855", "52.006876", "51.998036", "51.986857", "51.981817", "51.979789", "51.985438", "51.985438", "51.979419", "51.990508", "51.984122", "51.961047", "51.937083", "51.902741", "51.883789", "51.880904", "51.882237", "51.886455", "51.886448", "51.886448", "51.886954", "51.879263", "51.880022", "51.881423", "51.881427", "51.881426", "51.894816", "51.910304", "51.928830", "51.941773", "51.943450", "51.966012", "51.986816", "52.012106", "52.032194", "52.033662", "52.038500", "52.030444", "52.029747" ], "entities": {}, "state": { "scopedVars": { "dataContext": "Filtered out in JSON serialization" }, "seriesIndex": 0 } }, { "name": "time_sec", "type": "time", "typeInfo": { "frame": "time.Time", "nullable": true }, "config": {}, "values": [ 1687502572000, 1687502693000, 1687502813000, 1687502933000, 1687503054000, 1687503174000, 1687503295000, 1687503415000, 1687503535000, 1687503638000, 1687505833000, 1687505954000, 1687506075000, 1687506195000, 1687506315000, 1687506435000, 1687506555000, 1687506676000, 1687506796000, 1687506922000, 1687506988000, 1687506999000, 1687531830000, 1687531952000, 1687532072000, 1687532193000, 1687532313000, 1687532343000, 1687532587000, 1687532829000, 1687532949000, 1687533069000, 1687533189000, 1687533310000, 1687533430000, 1687533550000, 1687533672000, 1687533791000, 1687533912000, 1687534032000, 1687534153000, 1687534193000 ], "entities": {}, "state": { "scopedVars": { "dataContext": "Filtered out in JSON serialization" }, "seriesIndex": 1 } } ], "length": 42 }, { "refId": "B", "meta": { "typeVersion": [ 0, 0 ], "executedQueryString": "SELECT FORMAT(val,6) as Laenge, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) as time_sec FROM iobroker.ts_number where id = '282' and _from = '7' and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) >= FROM_UNIXTIME(1687471200)) and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) <= FROM_UNIXTIME(1687557599)) ORDER BY ts ASC;" }, "fields": [ { "name": "Laenge", "type": "string", "typeInfo": { "frame": "string", "nullable": true }, "config": {}, "values": [ "8.588060", "8.596602", "8.600388", "8.597926", "8.606986", "8.607165", "8.637589", "8.649773", "8.647835", "8.634054", "8.634054", "8.653437", "8.629672", "8.615249", "8.582593", "8.535523", "8.489645", "8.433702", "8.439801", "8.454832", "8.457021", "8.456996", "8.456996", "8.465490", "8.480457", "8.494614", "8.509399", "8.509475", "8.509472", "8.512917", "8.516412", "8.511266", "8.515698", "8.516960", "8.497207", "8.494856", "8.514656", "8.533751", "8.558810", "8.576821", "8.588409", "8.589026" ], "entities": {}, "state": { "scopedVars": { "dataContext": "Filtered out in JSON serialization" }, "seriesIndex": 1 } }, { "name": "time_sec", "type": "time", "typeInfo": { "frame": "time.Time", "nullable": true }, "config": {}, "values": [ 1687502572000, 1687502693000, 1687502813000, 1687502934000, 1687503054000, 1687503174000, 1687503295000, 1687503415000, 1687503535000, 1687503638000, 1687505833000, 1687505954000, 1687506075000, 1687506195000, 1687506315000, 1687506435000, 1687506555000, 1687506676000, 1687506796000, 1687506922000, 1687506988000, 1687506999000, 1687531830000, 1687531952000, 1687532072000, 1687532193000, 1687532313000, 1687532343000, 1687532587000, 1687532829000, 1687532949000, 1687533069000, 1687533189000, 1687533310000, 1687533430000, 1687533550000, 1687533672000, 1687533791000, 1687533912000, 1687534032000, 1687534153000, 1687534193000 ], "entities": {}, "state": { "scopedVars": { "dataContext": "Filtered out in JSON serialization" }, "seriesIndex": 2 } } ], "length": 42 } ], "annotations": [], "request": { "app": "dashboard", "requestId": "Q111", "timezone": "browser", "panelId": 1, "dashboardUID": "bd2f986e-9d92-4fe0-8619-c0e89163b58a", "publicDashboardAccessToken": "", "range": { "from": "2023-06-22T22:00:00.000Z", "to": "2023-06-23T21:59:59.000Z", "raw": { "from": "2023-06-22T22:00:00.000Z", "to": "2023-06-23T21:59:59.000Z" } }, "timeInfo": "", "interval": "1m", "intervalMs": 60000, "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "mysql", "uid": "a09ae0d3-8a14-46ee-9d21-e5471af0458f" }, "editorMode": "code", "format": "table", "rawQuery": true, "rawSql": "SELECT FORMAT(val,6) as Breite, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) as time_sec FROM iobroker.ts_number where id = '283' and _from = '7' and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) >= $timeFrom()) and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) <= $__timeTo()) ORDER BY ts ASC;", "refId": "A", "sql": { "columns": [ { "parameters": [], "type": "function" } ], "groupBy": [ { "property": { "type": "string" }, "type": "groupBy" } ], "limit": 50 } }, { "datasource": { "type": "mysql", "uid": "a09ae0d3-8a14-46ee-9d21-e5471af0458f" }, "editorMode": "code", "format": "table", "hide": false, "rawQuery": true, "rawSql": "SELECT FORMAT(val,6) as Laenge, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) as time_sec FROM iobroker.ts_number where id = '282' and _from = '7' and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) >= $timeFrom()) and (FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(ts/1000)) <= $timeTo()) ORDER BY ts ASC;", "refId": "B", "sql": { "columns": [ { "parameters": [], "type": "function" } ], "groupBy": [ { "property": { "type": "string" }, "type": "groupBy" } ], "limit": 50 } } ], "maxDataPoints": 1260, "scopedVars": { "interval": { "text": "1m", "value": "1m" }, "__interval_ms": { "text": "60000", "value": 60000 } }, "startTime": 1687774452810, "endTime": 1687774452867 }, "timings": { "dataProcessingTime": 0 }, "structureRev": 2 }

JoKoopmann commented 1 year ago

Hallo, can someone give us a hint if we have to change something or what to do to make it run?! Are there more information needed to give an answer? thanks in advance

Alkarex commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, nobody is working on this module on our side at the moment, so I cannot assist. The best is probably to try to do some debugging yourself and reach out to some of the other users, maybe pinging some of the developers who sent some patches recently (see the pull requests)

JoKoopmann commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback, we will try …

Von: Alexandre Alapetite @.> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2023 16:02 An: alexandrainst/alexandra-trackmap-panel @.> Cc: Jörg Koopmann @.>; Author @.> Betreff: Re: [alexandrainst/alexandra-trackmap-panel] 'lats is undefined' (Issue #109)

Unfortunately, nobody is working on this module on our side at the moment, so I cannot assist. The best is probably to try to do some debugging yourself and reach out to some of the other users, maybe pinging some of the developers who sent some patches recently (see the pull requests)

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