alexandrainst / alexandra-trackmap-panel

Grafana map plugin to visualise coordinates as markers, hexbin, ant path, or heatmap.
MIT License
78 stars 26 forks source link

Data Point not plotting in the graph - InfluxCloud DB #12

Closed vimalgupta closed 3 years ago

vimalgupta commented 4 years ago

Hi, I a trying this plug-in with grafana and using influx cloud DB database.

I am unable to see any data point s drawn.

can you please guide me how can I use it with influx cloud DB.

below is my output of the query. ,result,table,_time,_value,_field ,_result,0,2020-02-18T07:27:58.853339466Z,17.4632916,lat ,_result,0,2020-02-18T07:27:58.853864976Z,17.4632916,lat ,_result,0,2020-02-18T07:28:58.017188544Z,17.4632916,lat ,_result,0,2020-02-18T07:28:58.017295643Z,17.4632916,lat

ursweiss commented 4 years ago


I ran into the same problem and spent hours (literally...) to finally find out.

I use a single query like this: SELECT "time" AS "time_index", "latitude" AS "lat", "longitude" AS "lon" FROM "state" WHERE ("entity_id" = '<you entity_id>') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time_index fill(null)

The most important thing is to set the "Format as" to "Table" and not "Time series", or it will never work.

This hint should probably be added to the README, as many use Grafana with a TSDB.

Drazair commented 4 years ago

@vimalgupta, have your problem been fixed?

@ursweiss, I'll make it more clear in the readme

viktak commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm also having difficulties with this. Even editing is difficult, as when I make an error in the query I get an error page, with no option to go back and edit further - I have to restart from scratch:

An unexpected error happened
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Alkarex commented 3 years ago

@viktak Is that with our latest release 2.1.0 ?

viktak commented 3 years ago


Thanks for asking. I just checked and I see version 1.2.5.... I just assumed that the latest one got pulled as I just upgraded Grafana too to 7.3.1. Using Docker.

Is the official one in the Grafana Plugin list still the old one? Should I install it directly from git?

viktak commented 3 years ago

@Alkarex And kudos to you for the super fast reply! 👍

Alkarex commented 3 years ago

Our branch 1.x is for Grafana 6, while our branch 2.x is for Grafana 7+. Our new branch 2.x is currently under review (you can give it a 👍) so for now you have to pull our release manually.

viktak commented 3 years ago

Is this the correct link?

Your link gives me a version of 2.0.0 (although the title says 2.1.0)

I installed 2.1.0 and so far it doesn't show the error page as before, but I still have to figure out how to get my maps back :)

I expect to figure it out in a few minutes, and then I'll report back!

Alkarex commented 3 years ago

Yes, that is correct

viktak commented 3 years ago

Can't seem to make it work... This is my query (stolen/adapted from @ursweiss ): SELECT "time" AS "time_index", "latitude" AS "lat", "longitude" AS "lon" FROM "autogen"."device_tracker.XXX_galaxya5" WHERE ("entity_id" = 'XXX_galaxya5') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time_index fill(null) I set Format as Table.

when the query runs with Table visualization, it displays the timestamps and coordinates, although the coordinates only show the integer part. This is a sample row:

1604592858204 47 18

When I switch visualization to Track Map, I only see an empty map centered on Aarhus, Denmark (which is not even the "integer" coordinates).

viktak commented 3 years ago

I got it working, thank you for the help! Here comes the proof: vtracker-sample-log-on-map

I have noticed though, that now the map can center on the first or the last point (which is great), but I cannot make the map center/zoom on the "action". In the previous version, by default, it zoomed just enough to show all the points in the track. Is this option still available somewhere?

viktak commented 3 years ago

While we are at it: The documentation says this: To add text tooltips to the markers, a text ordesc field should be added. If no tooltip exists in the data, latitude and longitude are displayed as the tooltip. I tried it, and I can display a number of things, but not the timestamp. After some research I seem to think that selecting the Time field in InfluxDB is not possible. Is there any workaround/trickery to make this possible? Having a timestamp, in my opinion, is probably the most common/useful "extra" in the tooltip.

viktak commented 3 years ago

Also, some kind of formatting would be essential: What I mean is, now I can display a number, say the speed, in the tooltip, but only as it is, a number. I would like to display it as xx km/h, rather than just XX.

Maybe I just haven't figured it out?

In Grafana I tried using transformations, but I couldn't get it to convert the speed value to string and then concatenate it with the unit. Any ideas?

j-or commented 3 years ago

@viktak FYI I've just added zooming in on the "action" (i.e. setting the map to fit all the positions on load) with #37. Try it by enabling "Zoom map to fit data bounds".

viktak commented 3 years ago

@Alkarex Thank you for the update! Where do I find that Zoom map to fit data bounds option? I just upgraded my plugin to 2.2.0, but I can't seem to find it...

viktak commented 3 years ago

@Alkarex Never mind, I found it. I just didn't see it because another one was active. Thanks again it's a great plugin!!