alexandrainst / alexandra-trackmap-panel

Grafana map plugin to visualise coordinates as markers, hexbin, ant path, or heatmap.
MIT License
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Intensity hard to get working with TestData DB #31

Closed bijwaard closed 4 years ago

bijwaard commented 4 years ago

Dear developers,

The TrackMap plugin seems to work great for visualisation of location paths in grafana 7.2.0.

I have basic points working with simple test-data, but have some trouble seeing individual points (green in options) and their intensity, I hope you guide me in the right direction to get this working. I have entered two points with latitude and longitude as well as 2 intensity values. With the intensity metric disabled I see a line between the two points. When I enable the intensity metric, the map goes back to worldview without any line. image

I was also hoping to have the identity_id or name of separate points visible with the point or with a tooltip, is this possible? I tried using the identiy_id mentioned from the older TrackLab 1.2.5 documentation.

Kind regards, Dennis

KejaPower commented 4 years ago

hello, I have the same issue, I can't get the heatmap working( all other representation are working well). Is there a format a range to be followed? I'm using InfluxDB and my query looks like this : SELECT "longitude","latitude" , "rssi" as "intensity" from "Tracker" Format as a table. My RSSI values are negative. Thanks Kind regards, Nicolas

ZhongyuWang commented 4 years ago

Dear developers,

The TrackMap plugin seems to work great for visualisation of location paths in grafana 7.2.0.

I have basic points working with simple test-data, but have some trouble seeing individual points (green in options) and their intensity, I hope you guide me in the right direction to get this working. I have entered two points with latitude and longitude as well as 2 intensity values. With the intensity metric disabled I see a line between the two points. When I enable the intensity metric, the map goes back to worldview without any line. image

I was also hoping to have the identity_id or name of separate points visible with the point or with a tooltip, is this possible? I tried using the identiy_id mentioned from the older TrackLab 1.2.5 documentation.

Kind regards, Dennis


Could you please try heatmap to see whether you could get the intensity visualized?

Here is an example I made: Capture

ZhongyuWang commented 4 years ago

hello, I have the same issue, I can't get the heatmap working( all other representation are working well). Is there a format a range to be followed? I'm using InfluxDB and my query looks like this : SELECT "longitude","latitude" , "rssi" as "intensity" from "Tracker" Format as a table. My RSSI values are negative. Thanks Kind regards, Nicolas


The intensity has to be positive. You might need a minus sign before your "rssi".

KejaPower commented 4 years ago


Thanks, it works once I've modified my rssi to be positive. Kind regards, Nicolas

bijwaard commented 4 years ago

Hi ZhongyuWang, I still don't get the intensity working with the TestData DB, is this because it needs to be a table or needs more than 2 values? Also the points don't get visualized in the specified color, only the line between them. Furthermore, it is unclear to me how to activate the heatmap, I don't see configuration items for that. image

Kind regards, Dennis

j-or commented 4 years ago

@bijwaard Are you sure this is our plugin? The options look very different. Are you maybe using this one?

bijwaard commented 4 years ago

I used the following to install the plugin in grafana 7.3.1, re-install didn't have effect:

sudo grafana-cli plugins install pr0ps-trackmap-panel sudo /etc/init.d/grafana-server restart

Here is the visualisation part of the options image

j-or commented 4 years ago

@bijwaard You are using a different plugin with a very similar name to ours. This site is alexandra-trackmap-panel - you are using pr0ps-trackmap-panel.

Feel free to try ours though. It has GPS-markers, paths and heatmap visualisations. The newest version working with Grafana 7 is still pending merge to the Grafana plugin repo but you can try the newest version from this repo until it is added.

bijwaard commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thanks! It is indeed very confusing that they have the same name, I'll try yours when it is merged with the plugin repo

Kind regards, Dennis

bijwaard commented 4 years ago

I couldn't wait;-) And dived into yarn / nodeJS install. This works great!!!

This trackmap is working, both with markers and with intensity. image image