alexandrainst / node-red-contrib-postgresql

Node-RED node for PostgreSQL, supporting parameters, split, back-pressure
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 13 forks source link

Fixed slow performance due to releasing client from the pool always w… #25

Closed aformusatii closed 2 years ago

aformusatii commented 2 years ago

On my AT5IONT-I a simple query like SELECT 1 via this node took ~300 - 700 ms. For comparation mysql node was ~4 - 10 ms. If client release is called with true value then it will be destroyed, effectively the pool is not used.

Alkarex commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Well spotted 👍🏻

Alkarex commented 2 years ago

New version published 🚀

(Watch out, npm has issues at the moment, apparently due to Cloudflare )