Description: As a user of Blue Ocean that has matched based on likes and interests, I want to see if the relationship could go further by viewing their full profiles.
7 is complete
9 is complete
Website is deployed
User is presented with prompt to fill out
User is able to fill out dating profile and save
User is able to save likes and interests
User is presented with a queue of matches
User Story:
WHEN I match based on likes and interests
THEN I am presented with my matches full profile
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] It is done when prerequisite are complete
[ ] It is done when I am presented with a queue of matches (if there are any that fall within my criteria, else it will display "Your standards might be too high")
[ ] It is done when I am able to see my matches full profile upon both parties being interested
Description: As a user of Blue Ocean that has matched based on likes and interests, I want to see if the relationship could go further by viewing their full profiles.
7 is complete
9 is complete
User Story:
Acceptance Criteria: