alexarchambault / case-app

Type-level & seamless command-line argument parsing for Scala
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Lower camel case annotations #29

Open guersam opened 8 years ago

guersam commented 8 years ago

Maybe I'm a bit picky, but the Scala style guide recommends annotation names to be in lower camel case like @appName. Unless there are a certain reason, how about following the guide?

One concern is source compatibility as I'm not sure if we can deprecate an annotation itself smoothly.

alexarchambault commented 8 years ago

I kind of agree with that. I guess I used pascal case at first when case-app was partially resting on reflection, which made me stumble on the Java convention for annotations.

I'd be fine with deprecating the current pascal case annotations, and adding camel case ones, in the next development branch (1.2).