Skip to the Loo, a full-stack app designed to help people find restrooms when they're on the go. Built with Node, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, and Handlebars and uses map data from two Google APIs.
Now that the demo is done, I'd like our mousedown colors to get fixed. I think it should just be a slightly darker version of each of the colors. Maybe? I'm not sure if the color of the cards on hover make sense / looks nice. And the teal buttons kinda do something weird when you hover over it than what I would expect visually.
Now that the demo is done, I'd like our mousedown colors to get fixed. I think it should just be a slightly darker version of each of the colors. Maybe? I'm not sure if the color of the cards on hover make sense / looks nice. And the teal buttons kinda do something weird when you hover over it than what I would expect visually.