alexbatalov / fallout2-re

Reverse engineered Fallout 2
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Conversation not triggered #80

Closed emxd closed 2 years ago

emxd commented 2 years ago

When exiting out of the V15 elevator there's a guard that asks you to identify yourself in vanilla. In RE this is not triggered.

alexbatalov commented 2 years ago

Cannot reproduce this one. Conversation starts both in vanilla and re.

emxd commented 2 years ago

Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing since I worded it lazily. Vanilla: RE:

In vanilla my character is detected and the conversation starts automatically. In RE I'm not detected and I have to start it manually. I assumed that there's some problem with detection. I tried it on 2 computers and it always behaved the same.

c6-dev commented 2 years ago

I couldn't reproduce this either, conversation started like your vanilla video is showing. I do recall something like that happening in my vanilla playthroughs though.

alexbatalov commented 2 years ago

This is only reproducible in release builds. Optimization eats up bool, so when it's put on the stack many bad things happen. I guess using bool instead of mere int was not one of my great ideas.