alexbelgium / hassio-addons

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🐛 [Omada] Configuration Lost after every restart #1219

Open RalfAlbers opened 5 months ago

RalfAlbers commented 5 months ago


After every update the Container had lost the configuration. The config had to be restored within the container from a backup. APs had to be adoped.

Reproduction steps

just restart the container

Addon Logs

/etc/cont-init.d/ executing

 Add-on: Omada
 TP-Link Omada Controller
 Add-on version: 5.13-2024-01-23
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 11.4  (aarch64 / raspberrypi4-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2024.1.5
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.12.1
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums
 Provided by: 
/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
Timezone set from Etc/UTC to Europe/Berlin
/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
Setting permissions for the config.yaml directory

Load environment variables from /config/config.yaml if existing
If accessing the file with filebrowser it should be mapped to /addon_configs/db21ed7f-omada/config.yaml
Wiki here on how to use :‐ons-feature-:-add-env-variables

... no env variables found, exiting
/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
Execute /addon_configs/db21ed7f-omada/ if existing
Wiki here :
/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
cp: cannot stat '/ssl/*': No such file or directory
Error : /etc/cont-init.d/ exiting 1

Starting the upstream container

INFO: Validating user/group (omada:omada) exists with correct UID/GID (508:508)
INFO: Group (omada) doesn't exist; creating
INFO: User (omada) doesn't exist; creating
INFO: Time zone set to 'Europe/Berlin'
INFO: Value of 'manage.http.port' already set to 8088 in
INFO: Value of 'manage.https.port' already set to 8043 in
INFO: Value of 'portal.http.port' already set to 8088 in
INFO: Value of 'portal.https.port' already set to 8843 in
INFO: Value of 'port.adopt.v1' already set to 29812 in
INFO: Value of '' already set to 27001 in
INFO: Value of 'port.upgrade.v1' already set to 29813 in
INFO: Value of 'port.manager.v1' already set to 29811 in
INFO: Value of 'port.manager.v2' already set to 29814 in
INFO: Value of 'port.discovery' already set to 29810 in
INFO: Value of 'port.transfer.v2' already set to 29815 in
INFO: Value of 'port.rtty' already set to 29816 in
INFO: Value of 'mongo.external' already set to false in
INFO: Value of 'eap.mongod.uri' already set to mongodb:// in
WARN: Ownership not set correctly on '/opt/tplink/EAPController/data'; setting correct ownership (omada:omada)
WARN: Ownership not set correctly on '/opt/tplink/EAPController/logs'; setting correct ownership (omada:omada)
WARN: Ownership not set correctly on '/opt/tplink/EAPController/properties'; setting correct ownership (omada:omada)
INFO: Version check passed; image version (5.13.23) >= the last version ran (0.0.0); writing image version to last ran file...
INFO: userland/kernel check passed
INFO: Starting Omada Controller as user omada
tail: cannot open '/opt/tplink/EAPController/logs/server.log' for reading: No such file or directory
tail: '/opt/tplink/EAPController/logs/server.log' has appeared;  following new file
01-30-2024 19:29:48.391 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaLinuxMain(): record: start the omada controller
01-30-2024 19:29:48.412 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaLinuxMain(): record: set property finished
01-30-2024 19:29:48.435 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaLinuxMain(): record: configure log finished
01-30-2024 19:29:48.454 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): record: bootstrap prepare
01-30-2024 19:29:48.501 INFO [log4j-thread] [] c.t.s.o.c.o.a.b(): success to load configuration
01-30-2024 19:29:48.506 INFO [log4j-thread] [] c.t.s.o.c.o.OmadacType(): omadacType: Local Controller
01-30-2024 19:29:48.679 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): going to start local mongod.
01-30-2024 19:29:49.296 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.s.b(): mongodb process id is 374
01-30-2024 19:29:49.304 ERROR [main] [] c.t.s.f.c.FacadeUtils(): facadeMsgEnable is not enable, msg: Mongo DB server started
01-30-2024 19:29:49.306 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.s.b(): Mongo DB server started
01-30-2024 19:29:50.688 WARN [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): Valid keystore is missing. Generating one ...
01-30-2024 19:29:53.532 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): Certificate generated!
01-30-2024 19:29:54.788 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): record: bootstrap record finished
01-30-2024 19:29:54.788 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): record: bootstrap startup
01-30-2024 19:29:55.935 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): record: start run omada tasks
01-30-2024 19:29:55.937 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.SpringBootStartUpTask(): record: task SpringBootStartupTask start

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::               (v2.7.13)

01-30-2024 19:30:00.809 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaLinuxMain(): Starting OmadaLinuxMain v5.13.23 using Java 17.0.9 on db21ed7f-omada with PID 7 (/opt/tplink/EAPController/lib/local-starter-5.13.23.jar started by omada in /opt/tplink/EAPController/lib)
01-30-2024 19:30:00.856 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaLinuxMain(): No active profile set, falling back to 1 default profile: "default"
01-30-2024 19:30:59.476 WARN [main] [] o.s.d.c.CustomConversions(): Registering converter from class java.time.LocalDateTime to class org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as reading converter although it doesn't convert from a store-supported type; You might want to check your annotation setup at the converter implementation
01-30-2024 19:31:17.714 WARN [main] [] o.s.d.c.CustomConversions(): Registering converter from class java.time.LocalDateTime to class org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as reading converter although it doesn't convert from a store-supported type; You might want to check your annotation setup at the converter implementation
01-30-2024 19:31:45.489 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.TransportConfiguration(): manager workGroup core thread  num is 16, max thread num is 16
01-30-2024 19:31:47.309 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.d.m.s.d.d(): init token valid duration : 86400
01-30-2024 19:31:47.841 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.d.m.s.a.AbstractActiveSiteCacheImpl(): Scheduled ActiveSitesCache period flush buf task at fixed rate of 30000 millis.
01-30-2024 19:31:49.037 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.m.c.DeviceMsgConfig(): setMsgThreadPool thread coreSize is 4, maxSize is 4,queue size is 4500
01-30-2024 19:31:52.506 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.p.c.o.ActiveSiteCacheImpl(): Scheduled ActiveSitesCache period flush buf task at fixed rate of 30000 millis.
01-30-2024 19:32:01.927 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.d.m.s.w.s.c.WirelessGroupConfig(): ssidWorkerGroup thread size is 4, queue size is 1500
01-30-2024 19:32:02.983 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.TransportConfiguration(): manage Inform workGroup core thread  num is 16, max thread num is 16
01-30-2024 19:32:42.319 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.s.c.DeviceContextHolderImpl(): start schedule remove expire device... period = 10
01-30-2024 19:32:42.415 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.s.s.EcspDiscoveryServerCenter(): update rateLimiterCache, permitsPerSecond = 5.0
01-30-2024 19:32:43.591 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.TransportConfiguration(): upgradeSendReq workGroup core thread num is 1, max thread num is 1
01-30-2024 19:32:44.864 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.l.p.e.LicenseEventCenterProperties(): licenseManagerTopic:
01-30-2024 19:33:12.148 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.184 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.188 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.192 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.195 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.198 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.201 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.204 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.206 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.209 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.211 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.216 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.230 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.a.d.c.SwaggerConfig(): initOpenAPI.docInfo=DocInfo(title=Omada Open API, description=Omada Open API, version=v0.1, websiteName=Omada Controller, websiteUrl=
01-30-2024 19:33:12.419 WARN [main] [] o.s.d.c.CustomConversions(): Registering converter from class java.time.LocalDateTime to class org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as reading converter although it doesn't convert from a store-supported type; You might want to check your annotation setup at the converter implementation
01-30-2024 19:33:25.722 WARN [main] [] o.s.d.c.CustomConversions(): Registering converter from class java.time.LocalDateTime to class org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as reading converter although it doesn't convert from a store-supported type; You might want to check your annotation setup at the converter implementation
01-30-2024 19:33:34.658 WARN [main] [] c.t.c.r.c.d.MemoryDictionary(): Duplicate type code [-1,207], overwriting Digest-Attributes with WISPr-Redirection-URL
01-30-2024 19:33:34.659 WARN [main] [] c.t.c.r.c.d.MemoryDictionary(): Duplicate type code [-1,207], overwriting WISPr-Redirection-URL with WISPr-Location-ID
01-30-2024 19:33:43.866 INFO [main] [] c.t.c.c.a.c.a.e.c.ActionConfig(): Success to init eap action dispatcher, num = 20, invokes = {EAP_TTLS_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_START=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_MD5_ACTION_PRECESS_CHALLENGE_VALUE=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_WAIT_MSCHAPV2_RESPONSE=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_TTLS_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_WAIT_EAPMSCHAPV2_VERIFIED_RESPONSE=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_TTLS_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_WAIT_EAPMSCHAPV2_RESPONSE=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_TTLS_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_EAP_MD5_CHALLENGE=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_TTLS_ACTION_INIT=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_MD5_CHALLENGE=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_MD5_ACTION_INIT=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_WAIT_MSCHAPV2_VERIFIED_RESPONSE=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_TTLS_ACTION_PROCESS_CLIENT_HELLO=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_FINISH=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_TUNNEL_AUTHENTICATION_START=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_ACK=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_CLIENT_HELLO=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_INIT=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_TTLS_ACTION_SEND_SERVER_HELLO_NEXT_FRAGMENT=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_PROCESS_CLIENT_KEY_FULL=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, EAP_TTLS_ACTION_PROCESS_CLIENT_KEY_FULL=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket, PEAP_ACTION_SEND_SERVER_HELLO_NEXT_FRAGMENT=ActionBucketMethod(, method=public com.tplink.cdd.radius.common.eap.packet.EapPacket}
01-30-2024 19:33:44.056 INFO [main] [] c.t.c.c.a.c.a.c.EapAuthConfig(): Success to init eap auth dispatcher, num = 4, invokes = {,,,}
01-30-2024 19:33:44.105 INFO [main] [] c.t.c.c.a.c.a.c.AuthConfig(): Success to init radius auth dispatcher, num = 9, invokes = {,,,,,,,,}
01-30-2024 19:33:44.893 WARN [http-nio-8088-exec-1] [] o.s.d.c.CustomConversions(): Registering converter from class java.time.LocalDateTime to class org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as reading converter although it doesn't convert from a store-supported type; You might want to check your annotation setup at the converter implementation
01-30-2024 19:33:45.042 WARN [http-nio-8088-exec-1] [] o.s.d.c.CustomConversions(): Registering converter from class java.time.LocalDateTime to class org.joda.time.LocalDateTime as reading converter although it doesn't convert from a store-supported type; You might want to check your annotation setup at the converter implementation
01-30-2024 19:33:45.701 INFO [main] [] c.t.c.c.a.c.a.a.AccountingConfig(): Success to init radius accounting handler, num = 0, invokes = {}
01-30-2024 19:33:46.041 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.l.c.s.d.CacheLogConsumeHandler(): log mq consume task is start...
01-30-2024 19:33:46.063 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaLinuxMain(): Started OmadaLinuxMain in 228.391 seconds (JVM running for 244.025)
01-30-2024 19:33:46.716 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.b.a(): manager maintenance Handling event: org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationStartedEvent[source=org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication@5c05e0dc]
01-30-2024 19:33:47.547 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.SpringBootStartUpTask(): record: task SpringBootStartupTask finished
01-30-2024 19:33:47.548 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): record: before OmadacInitTask
01-30-2024 19:33:47.951 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): record: before init bean
01-30-2024 19:33:48.441 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): record: after init bean
01-30-2024 19:33:48.932 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.i.a.b.d(): name=default_name tenant is not exist.
01-30-2024 19:33:48.974 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.i.a.b.d(): name=default_name tenant is not exist.
01-30-2024 19:33:51.033 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.i.d.m.o.b.a.a(): Initializing client settings of OmadacId: d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26
01-30-2024 19:33:51.438 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.d.a(): succeed in initializing default omadac OmadacVO(id=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26, name=Omada Controller_49DF26, pattern=0)
01-30-2024 19:33:51.572 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.p.m.d.b(): No startUpInfo exists.
01-30-2024 19:33:51.694 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): Start init data.
01-30-2024 19:33:51.695 ERROR [main] [] c.t.s.f.c.FacadeUtils(): facadeMsgEnable is not enable, msg: Start init data.
01-30-2024 19:33:51.775 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): initializing controllerId. OmadacVO(id=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26, name=Omada Controller_49DF26, pattern=null)
01-30-2024 19:33:51.895 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): record: before init for hwc
01-30-2024 19:33:51.896 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): record: after init for hwc
01-30-2024 19:33:52.648 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.c.d.ThreadConfiguration(): device-gateway datatrack workGroup core thread  num is 8, max thread num is 8
01-30-2024 19:33:53.875 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.c.p.e.d(): init DpiTrafficNotifyWatcher
01-30-2024 19:33:55.328 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.p.p.r.a.c(): init nioEventLoopGroup
01-30-2024 19:33:55.505 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.c.c.p.c.o.s.ActiveSiteCacheImpl(): Scheduled ActiveSitesCache period flush buf task at fixed rate of 30000 millis.
01-30-2024 19:33:58.505 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.c.f.b.c(): file download mq consume task is start...
01-30-2024 19:33:58.766 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.TransportConfiguration(): adopt workGroup core thread num is 8, max thread num is8
01-30-2024 19:33:59.961 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.TransportConfiguration(): discovery workGroup core thread num is 2, max thread num is 10
01-30-2024 19:34:09.198 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.c.d.ThreadConfiguration(): device-gateway datatrack time task workGroup core thread  num is 8, max thread num is 8
01-30-2024 19:34:13.214 INFO [comm-pool-2] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): Starting collection maintenance.
01-30-2024 19:34:13.275 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.p.b.b.d(): DisconnectRequestServer start
01-30-2024 19:34:14.060 WARN [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-11] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.e.a(): OmadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 find no root users
01-30-2024 19:34:14.213 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.d.a(): record: after OmadacInitTask
01-30-2024 19:34:14.214 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.CloudStartUpTask(): record: CloudStartUpTask start
01-30-2024 19:34:14.216 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.CloudStartUpTask(): record: CloudStartUpTask finished
01-30-2024 19:34:14.216 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacDiscoveryStartUpTask(): record: OmadacDiscoveryStartUpTask start
01-30-2024 19:34:14.218 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacDiscoveryStartUpTask(): record: OmadacDiscoveryStartUpTask finished
01-30-2024 19:34:15.063 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): startServers, DISCOVERY host:null.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.081 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): discovery Port is 29810.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.082 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): manage    port v1 is 29811.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.082 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): manage    port v2 is 29814.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.082 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): adopt     port v1 is 29812.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.082 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): upgrade   port is 29813.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.082 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): transfer  port is 29815.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.082 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.d.g.a(): rtty port is 29816.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.515 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.t.a.t.AbstractServer(): Start NettyUdpServer bind /, export localhost/
01-30-2024 19:34:15.604 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.t.a.t.AbstractServer(): Start NettyTcpServer bind /, export localhost/
01-30-2024 19:34:15.613 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.t.a.t.AbstractServer(): Start NettyTcpServer bind /, export localhost/
01-30-2024 19:34:15.632 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.t.a.t.AbstractServer(): Start NettyTcpServer bind /, export localhost/
01-30-2024 19:34:15.657 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.t.a.t.AbstractServer(): Start NettyTcpServer bind /, export localhost/
01-30-2024 19:34:15.671 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.t.a.t.AbstractServer(): Start NettyTcpServer bind /, export localhost/
01-30-2024 19:34:15.699 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.e.t.a.t.AbstractServer(): Start RttyNettyTcpServer bind /, export localhost/
01-30-2024 19:34:15.700 ERROR [main] [] c.t.s.f.c.FacadeUtils(): facadeMsgEnable is not enable, msg: Device connector server started.
01-30-2024 19:34:15.704 ERROR [main] [] c.t.s.f.c.FacadeUtils(): facadeMsgEnable is not enable, msg: Omada Controller started
01-30-2024 19:34:15.707 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.SuccessExitTask(): Omada Controller started
01-30-2024 19:34:15.707 INFO [main] [] c.t.s.o.s.OmadaBootstrap(): record: finished run omada tasks
01-30-2024 19:34:18.810 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.d.a(): MANAGE_BY_OTHERS Device 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E on omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is discovered.
01-30-2024 19:34:18.859 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.d.a(): MANAGE_BY_OTHERS Device 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 on omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is discovered.
01-30-2024 19:34:18.906 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.d.a(): MANAGE_BY_OTHERS Device 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 on omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is discovered.
01-30-2024 19:34:20.392 WARN [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-4] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.e.a(): OmadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 find no root users
01-30-2024 19:34:32.291 INFO [comm-pool-2] [] c.t.s.o.s.t.OmadacInitTask(): Finished collection maintenance.
01-30-2024 19:34:50.255 WARN [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-4] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.e.a(): OmadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 find no root users
01-30-2024 19:35:20.125 WARN [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-8] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.e.a(): OmadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 find no root users


No response


No response

RalfAlbers commented 5 months ago

Logs after restore from saved config backup 01-30-2024 19:35:50.129 WARN [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-8] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.e.a(): OmadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 find no root users 01-30-2024 19:36:08.211 INFO [check-update-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.o(): Start sync Cloud Users OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26). 01-30-2024 19:36:09.539 INFO [check-update-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.o(): Start checking last firmwares of managed devices. 01-30-2024 19:36:09.542 INFO [check-update-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.d(): Checking Device Last Firmware... 01-30-2024 19:36:09.603 INFO [check-update-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.o(): Checking last firmwares of managed devices succeed. 01-30-2024 19:36:20.228 WARN [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-1] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.e.a(): OmadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 find no root users 01-30-2024 19:36:50.153 WARN [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-5] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.e.a(): OmadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 find no root users 01-30-2024 19:36:59.742 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-13] [] c.t.e.c.c.CloudClient(): CloudClient is stopped. 01-30-2024 19:36:59.848 INFO [monitor-data-track-pool-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.c.c(): getExpImprove failed, omadacIdd3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 01-30-2024 19:37:08.932 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-12] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.d.a(): init backup limit 50, restore limit 1 01-30-2024 19:37:09.105 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-1] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.b.a(): omadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 startRestoreStage, level CONTROLLER 01-30-2024 19:37:09.141 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-1] [] c.t.s.o.b.a.c.a.a.g(): omadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 restoring beginning... 01-30-2024 19:37:09.201 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.l(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) may sdn backup file, try excute restore. 01-30-2024 19:37:09.236 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.u.b.m.c(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) sdn backup file, db version is=5.12.0?softVer=5.12.7 01-30-2024 19:37:09.239 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.b.a(): omadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 restore startRestoreItem 01-30-2024 19:37:09.529 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:09.566 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:09.604 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:09.649 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:10.035 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:10.083 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:19.651 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:19.681 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:19.736 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:19.776 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:20.192 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:20.230 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:25.367 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doRestoreBefore, empty restore unit of key: globalAuditLogSetting 01-30-2024 19:37:25.409 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doRestoreBefore, empty restore unit of key: mail 01-30-2024 19:37:25.410 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doRestoreBefore, empty restore unit of key: sim 01-30-2024 19:37:25.410 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doRestoreBefore, empty restore unit of key: customacl 01-30-2024 19:37:25.417 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doRestoreBefore, empty restore unit of key: auditLogSiteSettings 01-30-2024 19:37:25.431 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doRestoreBefore, empty restore unit of key: ouibasedvlan 01-30-2024 19:37:25.431 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doRestoreBefore, empty restore unit of key: omadaLogsGlobalSliced 01-30-2024 19:37:32.376 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:32.379 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:32.382 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:32.395 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:32.396 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:32.447 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:33.467 WARN [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.u.s.m.a.a.b(): no maps were found in omadac OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26), no need to execute clear 01-30-2024 19:37:36.610 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.u.d.a(): start deleteDeviceData for OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) 01-30-2024 19:37:36.665 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.d.g(): delete all deviceImage by omadacId:d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 01-30-2024 19:37:36.670 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.u.d.a(): finish deleteDeviceData for OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) 01-30-2024 19:37:36.774 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.c.c.a.s.c.AuthServerServiceImpl(): Radius server has stop, type: ACCESS. 01-30-2024 19:37:36.775 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.c.c.a.s.c.AuthServerServiceImpl(): Radius server has stop, type: ACCOUNTING. 01-30-2024 19:37:39.942 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:39.951 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 01-30-2024 19:37:40.021 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:40.093 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 01-30-2024 19:37:40.260 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterRestore, empty restore unit of key: globalAuditLogSetting 01-30-2024 19:37:40.359 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterRestore, empty restore unit of key: mail 01-30-2024 19:37:40.360 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterRestore, empty restore unit of key: sim 01-30-2024 19:37:40.365 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterRestore, empty restore unit of key: customacl 01-30-2024 19:37:40.366 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterRestore, empty restore unit of key: auditLogSiteSettings 01-30-2024 19:37:40.445 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:40.485 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.p.t.b.d(): d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is restoring, ignore discovery from 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E 01-30-2024 19:37:40.536 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterRestore, empty restore unit of key: ouibasedvlan 01-30-2024 19:37:40.537 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterRestore, empty restore unit of key: omadaLogsGlobalSliced 01-30-2024 19:37:40.542 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.s.i.DbCompatibleServiceImpl(): Omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 restore compatible begin. DB version from 5.12.0 to 5.13.20 01-30-2024 19:37:43.251 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.u.s.c.b.a(): Skip FAP Compatible for restore. 01-30-2024 19:37:43.310 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.c.s.i.DbCompatibleServiceImpl(): Omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 restore compatible end. DB version from 5.12.0 to 5.13.20 01-30-2024 19:37:43.400 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.o.a(): finish handle omadac refer for restore for omadac OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26). 01-30-2024 19:37:43.474 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterCompatible, empty restore unit of key: globalAuditLogSetting 01-30-2024 19:37:43.643 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterCompatible, empty restore unit of key: mail 01-30-2024 19:37:43.643 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterCompatible, empty restore unit of key: sim 01-30-2024 19:37:43.644 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterCompatible, empty restore unit of key: customacl 01-30-2024 19:37:43.650 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterCompatible, empty restore unit of key: auditLogSiteSettings 01-30-2024 19:37:43.651 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterCompatible, empty restore unit of key: ouibasedvlan 01-30-2024 19:37:43.652 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.d(): omadacId=OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) doAfterCompatible, empty restore unit of key: omadaLogsGlobalSliced 01-30-2024 19:37:43.673 INFO [restore-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.b.c.r.b.a(): omadacId=d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26, restore stop 01-30-2024 19:37:50.548 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.d.a(): MANAGE_BY_OTHERS Device 34-60-F9-C6-CD-42 on omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is discovered. 01-30-2024 19:37:50.640 INFO [discovery-work-group-1] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.d.a(): MANAGE_BY_OTHERS Device 28-87-BA-D0-39-E8 on omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is discovered. 01-30-2024 19:37:50.688 INFO [discovery-work-group-0] [] c.t.s.o.m.d.d.m.d.a(): MANAGE_BY_OTHERS Device 34-60-F9-C6-CD-4E on omadac d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26 is discovered. 01-30-2024 19:37:52.747 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-14] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.b.h(): saveSession. session idle timeout is invalid. idleTimeout: null, tenantId: 65b941cc43d9321d0de3acc9. 01-30-2024 19:37:54.357 INFO [scheduled-pool-9] [] c.t.s.o.m.s.c(): change omadacId : OmadacId(d3c6317e36aa60c65436d3241c49df26) siteId : [] to busy 01-30-2024 19:37:58.818 INFO [https-jsse-nio-8043-exec-1] [] c.t.s.o.i.p.c.b.h(): saveSession. session idle timeout is invalid. idleTimeout: null, tenantId: 65b941cc43d9321d0de3acc9.

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.