alexbelgium / hassio-addons

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❓ [Nextcloud] Accessing OCC #1268

Closed jonnyrider closed 7 months ago

jonnyrider commented 7 months ago

Apologies if this is a simple question (with a simple answer!) but how do I access the OCC command through Nextcloud?

I've tried:

docker exec addon_db21ed7f_nextcloud_ocr sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all

but all I get back is:

Could not open file: /config/www/nextcloud/occ

Thanks in advance for your help!


alexbelgium commented 7 months ago

Hi, please try this path : /app/www/public/occ

jonnyrider commented 7 months ago

That's great, thank you very much. Knew it would be simple!

jonnyrider commented 7 months ago

Apologies, I have one more question. How do I open and edit the crontab? I'm trying to get the below added:

php /app/www/public/occ preview:pre-generate

but doing sudo crontab -e in Portainer brings up an editor that I can't seem to edit!


alexbelgium commented 7 months ago

One day I'll expose the full config folder but I fear breaking things ;) currently the crontab is available with portainer in the /data/config/crontab folder I think

alexbelgium commented 7 months ago

One day I'll expose the full config folder but I fear breaking things ;) currently the crontab is available with portainer in the /data/config/crontab folder I think

jonnyrider commented 7 months ago

I agree, I'm constantly scared of breaking it by changing the background!

Can't find it there, but by logging into portainer with the 'abc' user and doing sudo crontab -e I get asked for a password but I don't know what it is! Where would I find this?


jonnyrider commented 7 months ago

Ignore me, was looking at the wrong thing!

I've found the cron.php file but it doesn't look like the one I need. It should apparently look like this:

*/5 * * * * php /app/www/public/occ preview:pre-generate

If I can explain what I've trying to do...

I just want to run the below every 5 minutes, and looking online updating the crontab seems the easiest way:

sudo -u abc php /app/www/public/occ preview:pre-generate

If only I could find it!