alexbelgium / hassio-addons

My homeassistant addons
MIT License
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✨ [REQUEST] Navidrome #1409

Closed baldarn closed 1 week ago

baldarn commented 1 month ago


Which addon?


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe

just want to add this

someone tried to use that, but with no luck

Describe the solution you'd like

add the addon

baldarn commented 1 month ago

will try to take care of it

baldarn commented 1 month ago

@alexbelgium same problem with the image for navidrome... i fell unlucky ;(

alexbelgium commented 1 month ago

@alexbelgium same problem with the image for navidrome... i fell unlucky ;(

What problem do you mean?

baldarn commented 1 month ago

the image is not present Screenshot_20240522_164920

alexbelgium commented 1 month ago

mmh I'll push it

hiagocosta commented 4 weeks ago

I have a question about navidrome... is it possible that I can change music folder to a SMB NAS, just like we can make with other addons?

alexbelgium commented 4 weeks ago

Added the link to mount smb or local drives in /mnt

alexbelgium commented 4 weeks ago

Mmh indeed the image doesn't build but I can't understand what is wrong. Are the files formatted with lf and not crlf?

hiagocosta commented 3 weeks ago

I just changed TZ viriable and my addon doens't start

after checking the logs I see:

/etc/cont-init.d/ executing

 Add-on: Navidrome
 Navidrome for Home Assistant
 Add-on version: 0.52.5-2
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 12.3  (amd64 / generic-x86-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2024.5.5
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2024.05.1
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums
 Provided by: 
/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
Setting permissions for the config.yaml directory

Load environment variables from /config/config.yaml if existing
If accessing the file with filebrowser it should be mapped to /addon_configs/db21ed7f-navidrome/config.yaml
Wiki here on how to use :‐ons-feature-:-add-env-variables

/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
Execute /addon_configs/db21ed7f-navidrome/ if existing
Wiki here :

Starting the upstream container
bilogic commented 3 weeks ago

Navidrome works if it is loaded standalone, it does not work if we try to load in HA's iframe (ingress).

To keep it simple, if we can set ND_BASEURL to ., that should fix it, currently navidrom panics.

hiagocosta commented 3 weeks ago

I have to add ND_BASEURL as a variable?

bilogic commented 3 weeks ago

I have to add ND_BASEURL as a variable?

Yes, but that is still not going to make things work. See

hiagocosta commented 2 weeks ago

i'm still unable to run this addon, any plans to update? it keeps start and return back

baldarn commented 2 weeks ago

hi @hiagocosta , will try to fix this next week

alexbelgium commented 2 weeks ago

hi @hiagocosta , will try to fix this next week

Thanks! Sorry I don't have much time to look for the moment but don't hesitate if you need any support for specific elements

baldarn commented 1 week ago

trying something

@alexbelgium the image is not built.. I think that / automerge doens't trigger that.. or something different happens :/ ps: could we exchange telegram/some-realtime-communication-app to find each other realtime? ;)

could you have a look?

alexbelgium commented 1 week ago

Argh indeed it seems automerge doesn't work but I don't understand why... I'll have a look!

If you want I'll try to look at the code tomorrow to see if I can find something :)

alexbelgium commented 1 week ago

Are you on HA community forum? They accept PM and we can exchange details there

celynw commented 1 week ago

I have an addons repository with Navidrome, in case it's of any help.

I did base most of it on @alexbelgium's amazing work, after all

(EDIT: Why did I get a notification for a failed run caused by me simply making this comment..?)

alexbelgium commented 1 week ago

Hi celynw, very nice work! Glad to see that what I did can be useful to others also - the community lives on inspiring ourselves from other's work and taking it further! At my start, most of my repo was inspired by ;-)

The failed run is due to an automerge workflow that is not working ;-) long story short I wanted to find a way for "external" users to trigger a build so they could "host" their addons on my repo but still be fully autonomous in coding & building. As such, in theory the / automerge tag should trigger an automatic merge of the PR on which it is written as a comment. However, the workflow stopped working and is now sending failed runs to everyone until I have time to correct that ;-)

baldarn commented 1 week ago

@celynw I was adding this addon just for fun

would you like to merge yours in this collection? that would benefit the community ;)

what do you think @alexbelgium ?

celynw commented 1 week ago

For my repo, I had trouble understanding how some of the extra parts worked - The templates, bashio, S6... I also felt that I didn't need much of the CI, so I made an effort to simplify things. Although I think Navidrome itself works perfectly for me, there would be some work in making it consistent with this repository.

Worth mentioning again @bilogic has a repo too!

Mine is different in these ways:

I have a feeling that it would be easier to merge from @bilogic's one mentioned in #789, and maybe we could enable builds for ARM and add more documentation/config options as I did?

alexbelgium commented 1 week ago

Hi guys, as you want! I've put the extra parts to simplify working on several addons - I just need to change a file to update all addons ;-)

The key thing is that it works... I don't necessarily want to merge as you can keep more flexibility (and personal recognition) by having your own repo, but if you want I am not against it ! An hybrid situation is also possible by just storing the config.json in my repo and having the builder script in yours... As you want ! Or we just advertise your repo so people install it on their systems (I have a list here :

baldarn commented 1 week ago

I think is best to drop this and use @celynw addon.

I don't have much time to follow this addon, and being that @celynw is working fine I wouldn't duplicate the efforts ;)