alexbelgium / hassio-addons

My homeassistant addons
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[Emby & Ubooquity] No longer able to mount network drives. #319

Closed hacshacdgacs closed 2 years ago

hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

Essentially in the last couple of days, my Emby hasn't been able to mount any of the folders in mnt (Edit: I've also noticed that ubooquity has the same issues of being unable to mount). All my libraries are still configured to be reading from their files and send back 'no playback streams available' and when I go to set up a new library my mnt folder is empty. All my other addons from here (Radarr, Sonarr, Qbittorrent) however are able to access these folders with no issues. Attached is an image showing Radarr accessing with no issues and what I see from Emby. Also attached is my Emby config.

image image image

Thank you for any help

alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've just tested and reinstalled emby and it mounts fine. Are you sure it is not a permissions issue?

Can you please provide a log from the addon ?


hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

I'll attach a copy of the logs now, as far as permissions are concerned I haven't changed anything so I'd assume it's not that.

Info CoverArt: CoverArt plugin started with SkiaCoverArtImageProcessor image processor Info App: Entry point completed: CoverArt.ServerEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0392775 seconds Info App: Starting entry point playback_reporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: EventMonitorEntryPoint Running Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Sqlite version: 3.35.5 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Sqlite compiler options: COMPILER=gcc-8.3.0,ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA,ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB,ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS,ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER,ENABLE_FTS4,ENABLE_FTS5,ENABLE_GEOPOLY,ENABLE_JSON1,ENABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS,ENABLE_PREUPDATE_HOOK,ENABLE_RTREE,ENABLE_SESSION,ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY,ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT,LIKE_DOESNT_MATCH_BLOBS,MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY=25,MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER=250000,OMIT_LOOKASIDE,SECURE_DELETE,THREADSAFE=1 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Default journal_mode for /emby/data/playback_reporting.db is delete Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Initialize PlaybackActivity Repository Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: PlaybackActivity table schema OK Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Expected : datecreated:datetime|userid:text|itemid:text|itemtype:text|itemname:text|playbackmethod:text|clientname:text|devicename:text|playduration:int|pauseduration:int Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Received : datecreated:datetime|userid:text|itemid:text|itemtype:text|itemname:text|playbackmethod:text|clientname:text|devicename:text|playduration:int|pauseduration:int Info App: Entry point completed: playback_reporting.EventMonitorEntryPoint. Duration: 0.007603 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Security.PluginSecurityManager Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Security.PluginSecurityManager. Duration: 5.16E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.IntroSkipPluginEntryPoint Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: PlaybackMonitoringTask : Started Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.IntroSkipPluginEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0102851 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.VideoBlackDetect.VideoBlackDetectionManager Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.VideoBlackDetect.VideoBlackDetectionManager. Duration: 5.14E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.Statistics.StatsManager Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.Statistics.StatsManager. Duration: 0.0003971 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.RemoteControl.AutoSkip Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.RemoteControl.AutoSkip. Duration: 0.0002519 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.Detection.SequenceDetection Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.Detection.SequenceDetection. Duration: 4.46E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.Detection.SequenceDetectionManager Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.Detection.SequenceDetectionManager. Duration: 4.27E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.Chapters.ChapterErrorTextFileCreator Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.Chapters.ChapterErrorTextFileCreator. Duration: 0.0003043 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.Chapters.ChapterInsertion Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.Chapters.ChapterInsertion. Duration: 4.47E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point IntroSkip.AudioFingerprinting.AudioFingerprintManager Info App: Entry point completed: IntroSkip.AudioFingerprinting.AudioFingerprintManager. Duration: 0.0003265 seconds Info App: Starting entry point MediaBrowser.Plugins.Trailers.EntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: MediaBrowser.Plugins.Trailers.EntryPoint. Duration: 0.0008905 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.PortMapper.ExternalPortForwarding Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.PortMapper.ExternalPortForwarding. Duration: 0.0016093 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Security.PluginSecurityManager Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Security.PluginSecurityManager. Duration: 3.57E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.CinemaMode.IntrosEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.CinemaMode.IntrosEntryPoint. Duration: 9.29E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Tvdb.EntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Tvdb.EntryPoint. Duration: 3.77E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Api.ApiEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Api.ApiEntryPoint. Duration: 3.24E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.Udp.UdpServerEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.Udp.UdpServerEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0011213 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.DeviceAccessEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.DeviceAccessEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0003887 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitorStartup Info App: Init BeginReceive on Info App: Init BeginReceive on Info App: Init BeginReceive on Info App: Init BeginReceive on Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/Library/Anime because the path does not exist Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/Library/AudioBooks because the path does not exist Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/Library/Cartoons because the path does not exist Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/Library/Documentaries because the path does not exist Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/Library/Movies because the path does not exist Info LibraryMonitor: Skipping realtime monitor for /mnt/Library/TV because the path does not exist Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitorStartup. Duration: 0.2481034 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.AutomaticRestartEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.AutomaticRestartEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0002348 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.KeepServerAwake Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.KeepServerAwake. Duration: 0.0001391 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.LibraryChangedNotifier Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.LibraryChangedNotifier. Duration: 0.0015116 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.ServerEventNotifier Info LibraryMonitor: Watching directory /emby/data/playlists Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.ServerEventNotifier. Duration: 0.0021495 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.StartupWizard Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.StartupWizard. Duration: 0.0002624 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.SystemEvents Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.SystemEvents. Duration: 0.0003352 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.UserDataChangeNotifier Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.EntryPoints.UserDataChangeNotifier. Duration: 9.5E-05 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Implementations.Channels.ChannelsEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Implementations.Channels.ChannelsEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0032841 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.LiveTV.EntryPoint Info LiveTV: Loading live tv data from /emby/data/livetv/timers Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.LiveTV.EntryPoint. Duration: 0.0179701 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.LiveTV.UpgradeChannelOptionsEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.LiveTV.UpgradeChannelOptionsEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0011648 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.LiveTV.RecordingNotifier Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.LiveTV.RecordingNotifier. Duration: 0.0001822 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.ActivityLog.ActivityLogEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.ActivityLog.ActivityLogEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0027724 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.EncodingManagerEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.EncodingManagerEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0008677 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Notifications.Notifications Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Notifications.Notifications. Duration: 0.0002256 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncManagerEntryPoint Info App: SyncRepository Initialize taking write lock Info App: SyncRepository Initialize write lock taken Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncManagerEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0036134 seconds Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0017527 seconds Info App: Starting entry point EmbyServer.Windows.LoopUtilEntryPoint Info App: Entry point completed: EmbyServer.Windows.LoopUtilEntryPoint. Duration: 8.25E-05 seconds Info App: All entry points have started

alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Hi, could you please provide the upper part of the log. Perhaps setting the option "silent" to true would help you capture the upper part (starting with the banner).


hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

Done, here you go.

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0. [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0. [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes... [fix-attrs.d] done. [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts... [cont-init.d] executing... Executing modules script : Executing dependency script with custom elements : nginx [cont-init.d] exited 0. [cont-init.d] 01-envfile: executing... [cont-init.d] 01-envfile: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 01-migrations: executing... [migrations] started [migrations] no migrations found [cont-init.d] 01-migrations: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 02-tamper-check: executing... [cont-init.d] 02-tamper-check: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

      _         ()
     | |  ___   _    __
     | | / __| | |  /  \
     | | \__ \ | | | () |
     |_| |___/ |_|  \__/

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User uid: 0 User gid: 0

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0. [cont-init.d] executing... Creating /emby Creating link for /emby/cache Creating link for /emby/config Creating link for /emby/data Creating link for /emby/logs Creating link for /emby/metadata Creating link for /emby/plugins Creating link for /emby/root [cont-init.d] exited 0. [cont-init.d] 30-config: executing... [cont-init.d] 30-config: exited 0. [cont-init.d] executing... Adapting for ingress Allowing case sensitive url [cont-init.d] exited 0. [cont-init.d] 40-gid-video: executing... [cont-init.d] 40-gid-video: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: executing... [cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: exited 0. [cont-init.d] executing... [17:22:11] INFO: Silent mode activated, all logs from emby server are hidden. Disable this option if you need to troubleshoot the addon. [cont-init.d] exited 0. [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: executing... [custom-init] no custom files found exiting... [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: exited 0. [cont-init.d] done. [services.d] starting services [services.d] done. [17:22:12] INFO: Starting NGinx...

alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Weird, the smb mount script doesn't run. I'll investigate

Are you sure nothing changed on your network? It seems the external scripts are not downloaded

hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I appreciate it

On Mon, 9 May 2022, 18:04 Alexandre, @.***> wrote:

Weird, the smb mount script doesn't run. I'll investigate

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alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Just for testing purposes : do you have a working emby backup to restore to check if the script appears again? If it doesn't appear, the culprit would be external to the addon, if it does it would be internal.

I think that if you rebuild the Radarr addon that is currently working you should arrive at the same issue as downloading scripts is common to all addons

hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

Not currently no. Do you suggest I rebuild the radarr add-on to see if it's an external issue?

On Mon, 9 May 2022, 18:28 Alexandre, @.***> wrote:

Just for testing purposes : do you have a working emby backup to restore to check if the script appears again? If it doesn't appear, the culprit would be external to the addon, if it does it would be internal.

I think that if you rebuild the Radarr addon that is currently working you should arrive at the same issue as downloading scripts is common to all addons

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alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Perhaps, if you like taking risks :-)

I don't see what changed on my addons side... Scripts are still with LF eol, no major changes recently... The only thing I did is remove the "apparmor=true" value from config but that was a proposal from HA scripts validator as it is already a default value

hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

I'll try the radarr rebuild and see if that does anything. Do you have any other advice? I think this issue started when I upgraded home assistant so I'll try find a backup of that also. On Mon, 9 May 2022, 18:57 Alexandre, @.***> wrote:

Perhaps, if you like taking risks :-)

I don't see what changed on my addons side... Scripts are still with LF eol, no major changes recently... The only thing I did is remove the "apparmor=true" value from config but that was a proposal from HA scripts validator as it is already a default value

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alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Well I'm not sure... In my script the first step is that it downloads the different elements (such as the mount script), then reads through them.

I can see several things going wrong : either internet not available (but we can skip this as emby by definition connects to internet), a change of s6 supervision settings that causes the downloaded script not being seen, an issue with the script itself (but then it should have impacted also the other addons)... And I can't replicate that so for the moment I'm just trying to think about debugging options :-)

hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

image image

You were right in terms of Radarr then losing its mount access. In terms of internet connection my HA instance is connected and able to update/download new add-ons with no issues. I haven't knowingly changed s6 supervision settings as I'm not actually aware of what those are tbh.

alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Edit : I can replicate and the issue is indeed with HA. I'll try to solve it ASAP as it will impact most of my addons ;-)

alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

I should have a solution : could you please try emby in version

hacshacdgacs commented 2 years ago

It works now, thank you.

On Tue, 10 May 2022, 02:41 Alexandre, @.***> wrote:

I should have a solution : could you please try emby in version

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alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I'll align other addons tomorrow

alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

I have pushed the code to all my addons. Just rebuild the ones failing and they will work again. Thanks for reporting this, I'm sure it would have impacted many people!

alexbelgium commented 2 years ago

I'll close the issue if it now works, or let me know if otherwise