After fresh install with clean settings, calibre-web does not recognize the expected admin/admin123 authentication details and instead report incorrect username and password.
The issue seems to be related to the addition of ingress support, as part of the start up script, calibre_web/rootfs/etc/cont-init.d/ uses the sqlite3 command to change some settings in the calibre_web database. This appears to stop authentication working somehow.
To Reproduce
Remove the addon and all settings from home assistant configuration folder
Install and start the add-on
Work around
Adding the following to /config/addons_autoscripts/ allows the addon to start, after it has been configured then a restart or the add-in will support ingress
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bashio
# shellcheck shell=bash
if [ ! -f /config/addons_config/calibre-web/app.db ]; then
bashio::log.warning "Disabling Ingress until addon restart"
sed -i "s/sqlite3/# sqlite3/g" /etc/cont-init.d/
Which addon?
Describe the bug
After fresh install with clean settings, calibre-web does not recognize the expected admin/admin123 authentication details and instead report incorrect username and password.
The issue seems to be related to the addition of ingress support, as part of the start up script, calibre_web/rootfs/etc/cont-init.d/ uses the sqlite3 command to change some settings in the calibre_web database. This appears to stop authentication working somehow.
To Reproduce
Work around Adding the following to /config/addons_autoscripts/ allows the addon to start, after it has been configured then a restart or the add-in will support ingress