alexbevi / redmine_knowledgebase

A knowledgebase plugin for Redmine
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Compatibility with Redmine 3.3.0 #332

Closed ehvidal closed 7 years ago

ehvidal commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much for your fine job! I have been using your plugin for the last 5 years and I think it's awesome.

Now I'm planning to migrate my Redmine to 3.3.0, so my question is, are you planning to make your plugin compatible with Redmine 3.3.0 soon? Do you have some idea about when it will be published?

Again, thank you very much for your excellent work!

alexbevi commented 8 years ago

@ehvidal I'm just pushing out 3.2.1 which fixes the search issue in 3.2 of Redmine. I haven't tested with Redmine 3.3.0 yet, but i'm assuming they should be compatible.

oko-x commented 8 years ago

Hi @alexbevi ,

thanks for the great work! Unfortunately it is not working for me in 3.3 either.

moppi83 commented 8 years ago


i also installed plugin_knowledgebase on redmine 3.3.0. It works but only for admin-user. If I log in as normal user i can select the plugin for my project but there is no link in the menu bar of redmine. Is there a solution?

Best regards

DarkSideGeek commented 8 years ago

Possibly because you need to enable some module-specific permissions in your various roles?

moppi83 commented 8 years ago

Hi DarkSideGeek,

you are right; Sorry for the simply question. I'm new to redmine and a did not recognized the roles-site. Now I can see a menu and I can create categories. Unfortunately I cannot create a article, redmine error 500 occurs.

I checked logfile:

Rendered inline template (1.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 102ms (Views: 70.7ms | ActiveRecord: 6.7ms) Started POST "/redmine/projects/yyyyy/knowledgebase/articles" for 192.168.34. 250 at 2016-09-19 13:31:24 +0200 Processing by ArticlesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"qEh+cIr0f0eV0PzKrPWHDVOftCZTO t1eDqUyCdxTbNdJaVeBiKS5imkj8n/Y9K73O4GtqwZ589fvXLC6uNE3Tg==", "category_id"=>"2" , "article"=>{"title"=>"asdfsadf", "summary"=>"sadfasdf", "content"=>"sdfaasdf", "tag_list"=>"sadfasdf", "version_comments"=>""}, "commit"=>"Create", "project_i d"=>"YYYYY"} Current user: XXXXXX(id=5) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30ms (ActiveRecord: 4.3ms)

RuntimeError (can't modify frozen ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess): plugins/redmine_knowledgebase/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb:70:in cr eate' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:insudo_mode'

alexbevi commented 7 years ago

I don't think 3.3.x compatibility is still an issue