alexbol99 / flatten-js

Javascript library for 2d geometry
MIT License
535 stars 56 forks source link

Support cubic bezier curves #116

Open cuixiping opened 2 years ago

cuixiping commented 2 years ago

flatten-js is a great library for web vector graphics apps. Cubic bezier curves are widely used in web apps. Is there a plan to support cubic bezier curves?

alexbol99 commented 2 years ago

Currently I don't have a plans to support bezier curves in this library

sysmaya commented 1 year ago

That's what I came to ask. Support for bezier curves. Summing up: If I handle paths like this circle "M 193.1 253.5 C 193.1 218.3 223.8 190 261.8 190 C 299.7 190 330.5 218.3 330.5 253.5 C 330.5 288.5 299.7 316.8 261.8 317 C 223.8 316.8 193.1 288.5 193.1 253.5" this library doesn't work for me.

It's a real pity. This is the best library to handle geometry. The best and most complete (almost...) :(

romgrk commented 4 months ago

In case someone needs cubic Bezier curves, I have forked the library and added support for them in They're not optimized much, for example the bounding box is computed by iteration rather than through the analytical solution, but they work well enough. It also has a new Path primitive that works like an SVG Path but allows operating on it, e.g. length, splitting, etc.

I have opted to fork rather than open PRs because I saw quite a few things I wanted changed for a graph library I'm working on, and going through many cycles of PR reviews wouldn't have worked for me.