Open deadcoder0904 opened 5 years ago
I went ahead & installed react-native-deck-swiper@1.5.25
which works on Expo & gives no warning & errors :)
Thanks for posting your solution!
Woah it already helped someone, noice 😃
Dont resolve the failure. i installed your version. And tried @latest too. Only useViewOverflow={Platform.OS === "ios"} is working, but it looks very broken than.
what exactly do I put in the command line to install it at 1.5.25
@Talbert500 npm i -s react-native-deck-swiper@1.5.25
(or yarn add react-native-deck-swiper@1.5.25
It gives an error
requirenativecomponent RNOverflow was not found in the uimanager
which means it can't link to native code asreact-native-view-overflow
requires us to doreact-native link
.Why do we need
? Isn't overflow fixed in latest RN (assumption)?