alexcaza / weztermocil

Automatically create windows and panes in Wezterm (like Teamocil and iTermocil).
MIT License
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Single pane with multiple windows doesn't work #3

Open alexcaza opened 2 months ago

alexcaza commented 2 months ago

Running this template doesn't produce expected results. Second and third tabs don't launch commands in the single pane:

  - name: dev
    root: ~/Documents/programming/unsplash-web
    layout: tiled
      # This should be kept in sync with [ref:run_app_dev_command].
      - just
      - just lint
      - just typecheck
  - name: editor 
    root: ~/Documents/programming/unsplash-web
    layout: tiled
      - hx .
  - name: git
    root: ~/Documents/programming/unsplash-web
    layout: tiled
      - lazygit
alexcaza commented 2 months ago

This might be a wezterm bug. If another tab has a horizontal pane split, following tabs will be limited to the height of that first pane's split. Still need to investigate further as it could be something weztermocil is doing as well.