alexch / rerun

Restarts an app when the filesystem changes. Uses growl and FSEventStream if on OS X.
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JRuby support #119

Open brauliobo opened 6 years ago

brauliobo commented 6 years ago
~/P/retirement ❯❯❯ rerun --dir config --pattern '{*,.*}' bin/daemon                                                                                     master ✱
19:21:48 [rerun] Retirement launched
NotImplementedError: fork is not available on this platform
          fork at org/jruby/
         start at /home/braulio/.rvm/gems/jruby-
  keep_running at /home/braulio/.rvm/gems/jruby-
        <main> at /home/braulio/.rvm/gems/jruby-
          load at org/jruby/
        <eval> at /home/braulio/.rvm/gems/jruby-
          eval at org/jruby/
        <main> at /home/braulio/.rvm/gems/jruby-
alexch commented 6 years ago

I don't know much about JRuby, but if it doesn't support fork then I doubt there's much rerun can do. Fortunately, rerun is independent from your own JRuby app; you can install multiple versions of ruby on the same system and use one for rerun and the other for your own app(s). I see you're using rvm so I bet there's a way to ask it to run rerun with an MRI Ruby, something like

rvm 2.3.2 do rerun --dir config --pattern '{*,.*}' bin/daemon

(Assuming you have a ruby 2.3.2 in your rvm list.)

Please let me know how this goes.

brauliobo commented 6 years ago

Why a fork is needed to execute a separate process? Isn't a thread with Process.wait enough?

alexch commented 6 years ago

Oh wait, v0.11 was before we switched from fork/exec to spawn. Can you try with the newly-released v0,12?