Open HenrikBengtsson opened 1 year ago
--- re-building ‘SW_Cookbook.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
which: no STAR in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/alice/bin)
which: no STAR in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/alice/bin)
--- finished re-building ‘SW_Cookbook.Rmd’
should not trigger any error. The vignette builds fine on Bioconductor and STAR is not installed on their system (see
What version of SpliceWiz are you using?
In any case, STAR
is highly optional and we feel its inclusion as a "requirement" would be highly misleading... definitely building the vignettes and passing all checks does not require STAR
to be installed.
Sorry for the radio silence; I had zero time to debug this further, but rest assure that I'm R CMD check --as-cran
here via the revdepcheck package, so the results are from a fresh, vanilla R environment. This checks with whatever package versions were available on CRAN/Bioconductor at the time. When I ran these tests, it tested SpliceWiz 1.4.0.
Here are all the packages that were involved when running those checks;
$ cat revdep/checks/SpliceWiz/old/libraries.txt
Library: /c4/home/henrik/repositories/matrixStats/revdep/library/matrixStats/old
matrixStats (1.0.0)
Library: /c4/home/henrik/repositories/matrixStats/revdep/library/SpliceWiz
abind (1.4-5)
annotate (1.80.0)
AnnotationDbi (1.64.0)
AnnotationHub (3.10.0)
anytime (0.3.9)
askpass (1.2.0)
assertthat (0.2.1)
base64enc (0.1-3)
BH (1.81.0-1)
Biobase (2.62.0)
BiocFileCache (2.10.1)
BiocGenerics (0.48.0)
BiocIO (1.12.0)
BiocManager (1.30.22)
BiocParallel (1.36.0)
BiocVersion (3.18.0)
Biostrings (2.70.1)
bit (4.0.5)
bit64 (4.0.5)
bitops (1.0-7)
blob (1.2.4)
brio (1.1.3)
BSgenome (1.70.0)
bslib (0.5.1)
ca (0.71.1)
cachem (1.0.8)
callr (3.7.3)
cli (3.6.1)
cluster (2.1.4)
codetools (0.2-19)
colorspace (2.1-0)
commonmark (1.9.0)
cowplot (1.1.1)
cpp11 (0.4.6)
crayon (1.5.2)
crosstalk (1.2.0)
curl (5.1.0)
data.table (1.14.8)
DBI (1.1.3)
dbplyr (2.4.0)
DelayedArray (0.28.0)
DelayedMatrixStats (1.24.0)
dendextend (1.17.1)
desc (1.4.2)
DESeq2 (1.42.0)
diffobj (0.3.5)
digest (0.6.33)
DoubleExpSeq (1.1)
dplyr (1.1.3)
DT (0.30)
edgeR (4.0.1)
egg (0.4.5)
ellipsis (0.3.2)
evaluate (0.23)
ExperimentHub (2.10.0)
fansi (1.0.5)
farver (2.1.1)
fastmap (1.1.1)
fastmatch (1.1-4)
fgsea (1.28.0)
filelock (1.0.2)
fontawesome (0.5.2)
foreach (1.5.2)
formatR (1.14)
fs (1.6.3)
fst (0.9.8)
fstcore (0.9.14)
futile.logger (1.4.3)
futile.options (1.0.1)
gclus (1.3.2)
genefilter (1.84.0)
generics (0.1.3)
GenomeInfoDb (1.38.0)
GenomeInfoDbData (1.2.11)
GenomicAlignments (1.38.0)
GenomicRanges (1.54.1)
ggplot2 (3.4.4)
glue (1.6.2)
GO.db (3.18.0)
gridExtra (2.3)
gtable (0.3.4)
HDF5Array (1.30.0)
heatmaply (1.5.0)
highr (0.10)
hms (1.1.3)
htmltools (
htmlwidgets (1.6.2)
httpuv (1.6.12)
httr (1.4.7)
interactiveDisplayBase (1.40.0)
IRanges (2.36.0)
isoband (0.2.7)
iterators (1.0.14)
jquerylib (0.1.4)
jsonlite (1.8.7)
KEGGREST (1.42.0)
knitr (1.45)
labeling (0.4.3)
lambda.r (1.2.4)
later (1.3.1)
lattice (0.22-5)
lazyeval (0.2.2)
lifecycle (1.0.3)
limma (3.58.1)
locfit (1.5-9.8)
magrittr (2.0.3)
MASS (7.3-60)
Matrix (1.6-1.1)
MatrixGenerics (1.14.0)
memoise (2.0.1)
mgcv (1.9-0)
mime (0.12)
munsell (0.5.0)
nlme (3.1-163)
numDeriv (2016.8-1.1)
NxtIRFdata (1.8.0)
ompBAM (1.6.0)
openssl (2.1.1)
patchwork (1.1.3)
permute (0.9-7)
pheatmap (1.0.12)
pillar (1.9.0)
pkgbuild (1.4.2)
pkgconfig (2.0.3)
pkgload (1.3.3)
plogr (0.2.0)
plotly (4.10.3)
plyr (1.8.9)
png (0.1-8)
praise (1.0.0)
prettyunits (1.2.0)
processx (3.8.2)
progress (1.2.2)
promises (1.2.1)
ps (1.7.5)
purrr (1.0.2)
qap (0.1-2)
R.methodsS3 (1.8.2)
R.oo (1.25.0)
R.utils (2.12.2)
R6 (2.5.1)
rappdirs (0.3.3)
RColorBrewer (1.1-3)
Rcpp (1.0.11)
RcppArmadillo (
RcppProgress (0.4.2)
RCurl (1.98-1.12)
registry (0.5-1)
rematch2 (2.1.2)
reshape2 (1.4.4)
restfulr (0.0.15)
rhandsontable (0.3.8)
rhdf5 (2.46.0)
rhdf5filters (1.14.0)
Rhdf5lib (1.24.0)
Rhtslib (2.4.0)
rjson (0.2.21)
rlang (1.1.1)
rmarkdown (2.25)
rprojroot (2.0.3)
Rsamtools (2.18.0)
RSQLite (2.3.2)
Rsubread (2.16.0)
rtracklayer (1.62.0)
rvest (1.0.3)
S4Arrays (1.2.0)
S4Vectors (0.40.1)
sass (0.4.7)
scales (1.2.1)
selectr (0.4-2)
seriation (1.5.1)
shiny (
shinydashboard (0.7.2)
shinyFiles (0.9.3)
shinyWidgets (0.8.0)
snow (0.4-4)
sourcetools (0.1.7-1)
SparseArray (1.2.0)
sparseMatrixStats (1.14.0)
statmod (1.5.0)
stringi (1.7.12)
stringr (1.5.0)
SummarizedExperiment (1.32.0)
survival (3.5-7)
sys (3.4.2)
testthat (3.2.0)
tibble (3.2.1)
tidyr (1.3.0)
tidyselect (1.2.0)
tinytex (0.48)
TSP (1.2-4)
utf8 (1.2.4)
vctrs (0.6.4)
vegan (2.6-4)
viridis (0.6.4)
viridisLite (0.4.2)
waldo (0.5.1)
webshot (0.5.5)
withr (2.5.2)
xfun (0.41)
XML (3.99-0.14)
xml2 (1.3.5)
xtable (1.8-4)
XVector (0.42.0)
yaml (2.3.7)
zlibbioc (1.48.0)
Can you provide me a way to reproduce this on my end? Vignettes successfully build on github actions as well as all Bioconductor servers.
SpliceWiz checks for STAR by calling system2("which", ...)
inside a tryCatch
... I can only assume that there are specific conflicts of this with regard to how revdepcheck
is calling R cmd check?
In your GitHub Actions, you're checking with --no-vignettes
Dropping that might reproduce the above error.
In my revdep checks of matrixStats, I'm running with:
Sys.setenv(R_REVDEPCHECK_CHECK_ARGS = "--no-manual") ## this drops --no-vignettes, which otherwise is the default
revdepcheck::revdep_report(".", all = TRUE)
Hello, I'm running reverse dependency checks on matrixStats and get errors on
not being found when your vignettes are checked (see below).Would you update the
to mention thatSTAR
is (optionally?) needed?