alexcorvi / heic2any

Converting HEIF/HEIF image formats to PNG/GIF/JPEG in the browser
MIT License
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HEIF format not working #10

Closed jimneff440 closed 1 year ago

jimneff440 commented 4 years ago

Here is a sample file Link for file

GeorgeBelanger commented 2 years ago

I had this issue but found out that I was creating the blob in the wrong way. I was doing a

reader.onload = function(e) { const blob = new Blob([]) img.src = heic2any({blob}) }

when what I needed to do was

        .then((res) => res.blob())
        .then((blob) => heic2any({
       })).then((conversionResult) => {
          var url = URL.createObjectURL(conversionResult);
          img.src = url;
alexcorvi commented 1 year ago

Solved in the latest version.