alexcorvi / heic2any

Converting HEIF/HEIF image formats to PNG/GIF/JPEG in the browser
MIT License
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Converted file size is too big #32

Closed SooperPooperApp closed 1 year ago

SooperPooperApp commented 2 years ago

Converted file size from regular image shot by Iphone camera is 10 times larger in result comparing 1.8mb & 16mb in result.

randolf commented 2 years ago

One of the features of the HEIC/HEIF format is to provide better compression, so it's normal that converting to a lossless format like PNG or a lossy format like JPeG results in a larger target file size in most circumstances.

I have had success with converting HEIC images to WebP using ImageMagick, and sometimes receiving a smaller file size since WebP (which is supported by all modern web browsers these days) was also designed to provide better compression. I find that it depends on the image though as some images compress better in different algorithms given the arbitrary nature of the contents of the image itself.