alexcorvi / heic2any

Converting HEIF/HEIF image formats to PNG/GIF/JPEG in the browser
MIT License
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Bug - Showing error while uploading the HEIC Format- Not for All HEIC images But Some HEIC Images #46

Open eldhoparayiljoy opened 1 year ago

eldhoparayiljoy commented 1 year ago

Showing this error in your demo while uploading that particular image. Here I attach the console error that occurs while i am try to upload. image

@alexcorvi Can you please look into this issue at the earliest

alexcorvi commented 1 year ago

Please make sure that the image you're passing is actually a HEIC, as browsers in iPhones tend to convert images to jpeg/png before passing it to web forms.

attach the heic image file in a comment here so I can take a look.