alexcorvi / heic2any

Converting HEIF/HEIF image formats to PNG/GIF/JPEG in the browser
MIT License
585 stars 74 forks source link

heic2any violates libheif license #59

Open farindk opened 1 week ago

farindk commented 1 week ago

Hi, I'm the libheif author on which your wrapper is based and I'm afraid that your wrapper code is violating the usage terms of libheif. Libheif is released under the LGPL license. You have integrated the code compiled to JavaScript verbatim into your repository, and released that with the incompatible MIT license. Moreover, there is no mention that your wrapper uses libheif (and libde265), which violates at least against section 4a) of the LGPL.

I am fine that you use libheif and provide a wrapper for it, but to be compliant, you have to do at least these two things: