alexcouper / captainhook

Git hook scripts
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Add pre-push hook. #35

Closed alexcouper closed 10 years ago

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

I want to play "push it" by salt n pepa on every push.

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

I'm having difficulty forking the process into the background so that the push doesn't wait for the end of the song before exiting.


#mplayer -really-quiet /Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3 >&- 2>&- &
mplayer -really-quiet /Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3 >&- 2>&- & disown
#nohup mplayer -really-quiet -cache 8192 -vo null - /Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
#mplayer -really-quiet /Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3 <&- >&- 2>&- & disown
#mplayer -really-quiet /Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3 & disown
#mplayer -really-quiet /Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "done"
exit 0

None of the above exit before the mp3 (a 10 second sample) has finished. Although they do echo "done"

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Largely courtesy of @oddbloke:

Generating the awesome push it clip:

curl -s "$(youtube-dl -g\?v\=vCadcBR95oU -k)" > pushit
ffmpeg -i pushit pushit.wav
sox pushit.wav pushit_small.mp3 trim 1:56 10 fade 0:1 0 0:4
koddsson commented 10 years ago

I changed the curl/ffmpeg commands into this: youtube-dl\?v\=vCadcBR95oU -qckx --audio-format wav -o pushit.wav

koddsson commented 10 years ago

Sorry that actually doesn't extract the audio from the video

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Another one I want, probably on nosetests not returning an error:

curl -s "$(youtube-dl -g\?v\=fm660vIn8Tg -k)" > vid
ffmpeg -i vid vid.wav
sox vid.wav vid.mp3 trim 0:11 19 fade 0:1 0 0:2
koddsson commented 10 years ago

I messed around with a bunch of methods to achieve background music playing in the terminal and nothing seemed to work on my machine. My only thought now is doing all these operations in python (import youtube-dl as a library, slicing up the audio using some other library and then playing it) and forking that python script to the background.

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

I have this script:

$ cat .git/hooks/pre-push

mplayer -really-quiet /Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3 >&- 2>&- & disown
echo "done"
exit 0

If I run .git/hooks/pre-push directly from the command line it works. As in, the music starts and I am given the console before the music finishes.

It's just that from the hook it fails. As in when run with git push

koddsson commented 10 years ago

Does it fail in the sense that it hangs or in the sense that it doesn't play the clip?

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Yes, sorry - it fails in the sense that it hangs whilst playing the clip - and only returns to the console after that.

ikornaselur commented 10 years ago

Have you tried running a python script that spawns a subprocess?

For example

from subprocess import Popen

Popen(["mplayer", "-really-quiet", "vid.mp3"])

I have no idea if this works as a git hook, but this runs in a few milliseconds for me and returns to my shell with the audio playing in the background. I can even kill the shell that ran the python process.

koddsson commented 10 years ago

I can confirm that @Ikornaselur's solution works

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

@koddsson I beg to differ.

$ cat .git/hooks/pre-push
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
from subprocess import Popen

Popen(["mplayer", "-really-quiet", "/Users/alex/pushit_small.mp3"])

When I run: git push

I have to wait for the tune to play before getting terminal access again.

koddsson commented 10 years ago

Huh, that's weird. Works on my ubuntu 14.04. Maybe you need to upgrade to a better OS.

koddsson commented 10 years ago

All jokes aside maybe we can compare how it works on our different machines tomorrow at work.

OddBloke commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I haven't had any problems with backgrounding the hook on my Debian machine.

OddBloke commented 10 years ago

One potential solution to try: daemonising the process that calls mplayer.

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Closing on account of impossibility on mac.

For reasons that are beyond me.

jeremykenedy commented 9 years ago


You can use quicktime to snip your mp3 and the native mac command line player to play it from command line.

Please see below.



alias pushitmaster="git push origin master;afplay "$_yourSoundFileAndPath

I also created a repo @

Yay !

Jeremy :)

alexcouper commented 9 years ago

Nice @jeremykenedy - I'll see if afplay suffers from the same behaviour as mplayer when combined with a git hook.

alexcouper commented 9 years ago

yeah unfortunately it looks like alias-ing is the only way to get this to work on mac.

Somehow (I have no idea how) the git push waits for the script to play despite the process being forked.
