alexcrack / angular-ui-notification

Angular.js service providing simple notifications using Bootstrap 3 styles with css transitions for animating
MIT License
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CSS prevents from moving notification to bottom #7

Closed fulup-bzh closed 9 years ago

fulup-bzh commented 9 years ago

First thank you for sharing your work. I really appreciate your coding. It is clean and easy to understand.

Bug/Feature: In your CSS you force "top" definition to '-100px' which prevents moving notification to bottom of the page. Moving to bottom while not available in config option is easy. You only have to replace "top" by "bottom" in line 58 of your script

element.css('bottom', top + 'px');
element.css('right', right + 'px');

Note: I do not use LESS but SCSS, I placed a SCSS version of your LESS file. It is exactly the same expect that I remove dependencies to BootStrap [I'm using F5].

Request: would be nice to have an option to place notification at bottom of the page without hacking your javascript.

artworkad commented 9 years ago

:+1: exactly. Would like to see an offset option as well.

thiagoalvernaz commented 9 years ago


alexcrack commented 9 years ago