alexcrichton / ssh2-rs

Rust bindings for libssh2
Apache License 2.0
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ssh reverse tunnel or stream read() block within another thread #222

Open xiaoxuanzi78 opened 3 years ago

xiaoxuanzi78 commented 3 years ago

ssh reverse tunnel accept on Listener, read this channel is OK. but the read function on this channel will block within another thread . for created new stream by using Stream method on this channel, even read in same thread , read function blocks. since reverse tunnel cannot read eof within one read function, we need to start new thread to read. but it's not work , create new stream even worse.

version 0.9.1 ; rust 1.51; os : Windows 7

yodaldevoid commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, but I cannot understand exactly what the setup is for this bug. Would you be able to provide a code sample that recreates the issue?