alexdean / as2

AS2 protocol implementation in Ruby
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cleaner method for determining micalg in format v1 MDNs #26

Open alexdean opened 1 year ago

alexdean commented 1 year ago

in #25 i added a new MDN format which does not use OpenSSL::PKCS7.write_smime.

One item i wasn't able to solve in that PR was how to specify the micalg parameter used in the Content-Type header. The workaround in that PR is to still call write_smime and use a regex to extract the micalg parameter. Would like to remove that hack when possible.

what we need to replicate

write_smime produces a header like this:

Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/x-pkcs7-signature"; micalg="sha-256"; boundary="--- FA974EDD77D0E708FEB7C0F3E6B14F13"

but i have not been able to figure out where/how it chooses the sha-256 value. it is unconnected to the certificate we use or the MIC alg we use in the MDN report we're signing.

looking for input

asked for help in should check back there periodically to look for an answer.

alexdean commented 1 year ago

also tried an approach based on code cited in

micalg = 'sha-256'

# construct the signature
pkcs7 =
pkcs7.type = :signed
signer =
pkcs7.detached = true'test_sig.p7m', 'wb') { |fp| fp.write(pkcs7.to_pem) }'test_sig_message.txt', 'wb') { |fp| fp.write(mdn_text) }

This signature is missing some important data which prevents it from being verified. Note unable to find message digest in the verification error at the bottom.

-> % openssl smime -verify -binary -inform PEM \
-in test_sig.p7m \
-content test_sig_message.txt \
-certfile test/certificates/server.crt \
-nointern \

Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification; 

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The AS2 message has been received successfully

Content-Type: message/disposition-notification
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Reporting-UA: BOB
Original-Recipient: rfc822; BOB
Final-Recipient: rfc822; BOB
Original-Message-ID: <message@server>
Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically; processed
Received-Content-MIC: micmicmic, sha256


Verification failure
140704403170880:error:21FFF06C:PKCS7 routines:CRYPTO_internal:unable to find message digest:/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/9e200cfa-7d96-11ed-886f-a23c4f261b56/Library/Caches/
140704403170880:error:21FFF069:PKCS7 routines:CRYPTO_internal:signature failure:/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/9e200cfa-7d96-11ed-886f-a23c4f261b56/Library/Caches/
alexdean commented 1 year ago

comparing this signature with one generated by OpenSSL::PKCS7.sign, it's easy to spot differences.

our generated signature

-> % openssl pkcs7 -in test_sig.p7m -print  

        version: 1
          issuer: O=Ruby AS2 Test Server,
          serial: 10029315826167849756
          algorithm: sha256 (2.16.840.
          parameter: NULL
            object: contentType (1.2.840.113549.1.9.3)
              OBJECT:pkcs7-data (1.2.840.113549.1.7.1)
          algorithm: rsaEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1)
          parameter: NULL
-----BEGIN PKCS7-----

compare this to a signature created by OpenSSL::PKCS7.sign and then dumped to a PEM file...

        version: 1
          issuer: C=US,
          serial: 10470737887412000493
          algorithm: sha256 (2.16.840.
          parameter: NULL
            object: contentType (1.2.840.113549.1.9.3)
              OBJECT:pkcs7-data (1.2.840.113549.1.7.1)

            object: signingTime (1.2.840.113549.1.9.5)
              UTCTIME:Apr  4 20:25:53 2023 GMT

            object: messageDigest (1.2.840.113549.1.9.4)
              OCTET STRING:
                0000 - e3 c5 d4 00 e9 47 6d 40-cc 32 26 40 d3   .....Gm@.2&@.
                000d - b9 03 7e e4 7d d9 70 ab-ab 99 be 56 c7   ..~.}.p....V.
                001a - 61 d7 0a a9 5b ba                        a...[.

            object: S/MIME Capabilities (1.2.840.113549.1.9.15)
    0:d=0  hl=2 l= 106 cons: SEQUENCE          
    2:d=1  hl=2 l=  11 cons:  SEQUENCE          
    4:d=2  hl=2 l=   9 prim:   OBJECT            :aes-256-cbc
   15:d=1  hl=2 l=  11 cons:  SEQUENCE          
   17:d=2  hl=2 l=   9 prim:   OBJECT            :aes-192-cbc
   28:d=1  hl=2 l=  11 cons:  SEQUENCE          
   30:d=2  hl=2 l=   9 prim:   OBJECT            :aes-128-cbc
   41:d=1  hl=2 l=  10 cons:  SEQUENCE          
   43:d=2  hl=2 l=   8 prim:   OBJECT            :des-ede3-cbc
   53:d=1  hl=2 l=  14 cons:  SEQUENCE          
   55:d=2  hl=2 l=   8 prim:   OBJECT            :rc2-cbc
   65:d=2  hl=2 l=   2 prim:   INTEGER           :80
   69:d=1  hl=2 l=  13 cons:  SEQUENCE          
   71:d=2  hl=2 l=   8 prim:   OBJECT            :rc2-cbc
   81:d=2  hl=2 l=   1 prim:   INTEGER           :40
   84:d=1  hl=2 l=   7 cons:  SEQUENCE          
   86:d=2  hl=2 l=   5 prim:   OBJECT            :des-cbc
   93:d=1  hl=2 l=  13 cons:  SEQUENCE          
   95:d=2  hl=2 l=   8 prim:   OBJECT            :rc2-cbc
  105:d=2  hl=2 l=   1 prim:   INTEGER           :28
          algorithm: rsaEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1)
          parameter: NULL
          0000 - 6b 19 21 cd b4 60 90 68-43 89 2b 0a 09 28 4c   k.!..`.hC.+..(L
          000f - c7 1a 70 b5 39 4a 44 ca-2a 11 37 4d 91 78 94   ..p.9JD.*.7M.x.
          001e - be 66 3c e4 1d 9f c4 b2-58 9d b6 42 4a d3 1a   .f<.....X..BJ..
          002d - aa 5e 87 77 8c f7 ab a6-90 31 e2 03 63 69 0a   .^
          003c - f0 54 ba 36 38 88 56 4c-36 77 4a 90 ab e6 04   .T.68.VL6wJ....
          004b - 3d 12 79 63 14 8b 20 26-42 0f bf fa 3f 87 62   =.yc.. &B...?.b
          005a - a3 35 bc 23 7c c3 3f b5-28 96 36 28 9b 5c d9   .5.#|.?.(.6(.\.
          0069 - e3 3c 52 70 f4 aa 1d 9f-6c 21 ff 26 21 1a 94   .<Rp....l!.&!..
          0078 - 9b a0 d7 93 04 51 9c 28-f8 5f 2f a0 e7 7d 67   .....Q.(._/..}g
          0087 - 65 df 15 49 2a d3 d1 02-a5 69 a4 b2 d8 27 68   e..I*....i...'h
          0096 - e1 38 81 21 c2 91 fa 15-8f ba 66 7f c2 56 82   .8.!......f..V.
          00a5 - 4c d0 02 1d 7f 09 e4 97-6a 2b 7a 43 b3 84 0a   L.......j+zC...
          00b4 - 55 fe a7 fa e7 9c 9a 34-5a cb 98 16 a3 53 15   U......4Z....S.
          00c3 - 04 ec 3c 43 37 c4 0e f0-c2 26 65 84 1f c6 a2   ..<C7....&e....
          00d2 - a0 08 dd 9d 70 0d 7e ee-53 44 b6 b0 07 00 1d   ....p.~.SD.....
          00e1 - 1b 67 cd 0b 4b f0 90 3a-d1 27 3a 47 47 a2 b2   .g..K..:.':GG..
          00f0 - cd 97 78 2c c7 70 97 8a-83 b6 5e 82 47 f5 e8   ..x,.p....^.G..
          00ff - 42                                             B
-----BEGIN PKCS7-----
alexdean commented 1 year ago

see also

alexdean commented 1 year ago

sample code to read digest algorithm...

asn1 decoding method also used in #29.

def build_concise_asn1(item)
  if item.respond_to?(:value)
    item_value = item.value
    item_value = item

  if item.respond_to?(:each)
    out_value = []
    # OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence responds to .each
    item.each { |i| out_value << build_concise_asn1(i) }
  elsif item_value.respond_to?(:each)
    out_value = []
    # OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data does not respond to .each
    # but it's .value may be an array so we should recurse
    item_value.each { |i| out_value << build_concise_asn1(i) }
    # when we hit a leaf node
    if item.is_a?(OpenSSL::ASN1::Integer)
      out_value = item_value.to_i
    elsif item.is_a?(OpenSSL::ASN1::ObjectId)
      out_value = {oid:item.oid, value:item_value}
      out_value = item_value


pkcs7 = OpenSSL::PKCS7.sign(@server_info.certificate, @server_info.pkey, mdn_text)
pkcs7.detached = true
asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(pkcs7)
simpler = build_concise_asn1(asn1)

simpler[1][0][1].map { |alg| alg[0][:value] }.join(',')
=> "SHA256"

things to check/verify:

  1. using join because iirc multiple algorithms can be specified. need to review ASN1 schema to confirm if this is accurate.
