alexdobin / STAR

RNA-seq aligner
MIT License
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Abort trap when using --genomeLoad LoadAndExit #138

Closed roro883 closed 8 years ago

roro883 commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to load the genome using the "shared memory" mode to save memory before analyzing several FASTQ files, but an error occur immediately when launching the command : STAR --genomeLoad LoadAndExit --genomeDir myGenomeDirectory/ Here's the output :

Apr 26 13:35:05 ..... Started STAR run
Apr 26 13:35:05 ..... Loading genome
Abort trap: 6 note: same issue with LoadAndKeep when launching a reads alignment.

However when I launch a reads alignement with the following command line, everything works fine : STAR --runThreadN 8 --genomeDir myGenomeDirectory/ --readFilesIn $fastq --outFileNamePrefix $outdir --readFilesCommand gunzip -c --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --quantMode GeneCounts

For information, I'm on Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) with 32GB RAM.

Can you please help me troubleshoot?

Many thanks in advance Regards

alexdobin commented 8 years ago

Hi @graurelien

this could be a problem with max shared RAM allowed for your Linux. Please check this link for more details on configuring shared RAM fo Mac OS X:

What is the output of $ grep shm /etc/sysctl.conf

The two important parameters you would nee to set by editing /etc/sysctl.conf kern.sysv.shmmax: 32000000000 kern.sysv.shmall: 7812500

Then you will need to reboot, or you can also try sysctl -p (this work on Linux, not sure about OS X).

Please let me know if this solves the problem..

Cheers Alex

roro883 commented 8 years ago

Hi Alex,

Thanks a lot, this solves my problem of shared memory. Just for information, the file /etc/sysctl.conf didn't exist on my system, so I created it with the following lines and reboot :


Note that the command LoadAndExit works, but I still get the same error Abort trap: 6 when I use Remove. However, the genome is removed from the memory anyway, so it's not a big deal...

alexdobin commented 8 years ago

Hi @graurelien

sounds good! Since the "Remove" error does not interfere with operations seriously, let's consider it solved for the moment.

Cheers Alex