Open jdrnevich opened 2 years ago
Hi Jenny,
there is no direct option for bulk RNA-seq, but you can pretend that you have SmartSeq data with just one "cell",
and get the --soloFeatures
options working:
--soloType SmartSeq
--soloFeatures GeneFull [and/or Gene,SJ,GeneFull_ExonOverIntron,GeneFull_Ex50pAS)]
--soloStrand Unstranded [or Forward or Reverse]
--soloUMIdedup NoDedup [or Exact : deduplication based on alignment start/end]
--readFilesManifest manifest.txt
The manifest file should contain 3 tab-separated columns: paired-end reads: read1_file_name \tab read2_file_name \tab read_group_line. single-end reads: read1_file_name \tab - \tab read_group_line. Spaces, but not tabs are allowed in file names. If read_group_line does not start with ID:, it can only contain one ID field, and ID: will be added to it.
It will output the gene/cell count matrix for just one cell. You can also use it for multiple samples ("cells").
Thanks for your quick reply! We will try this out and report back how it went.
I am starting to work on this. If I am understanding correctly, I can put all 20 of my samples in the manifest file as separate "cells" and STARsolo will handle them appropriately? For bulk, we usually run a job array with: --readFilesIn ../data/raw-seq/${line}.fastq.gz \ --readFilesCommand zcat \
. Can I still add the --readFilesCommand zcat
or do I need to gunzip all my files first?
Hi Jenny,
you can use --readFilesCommand zcat
for zipped files. --readFilesManifest
simply replaces --readFilesIn and
--outSAMattrRGline``` options for convenience.
Cheers Alex
I have some bulk RNA-Seq data that I want to also count reads in introns as well as exons. Is the
-soloFeatures GeneFull
option only available in STARsolo or can the regular STAR do it as well?