alexdrone / ios-realtimeblur

Multipurpose real-time blur view for iOS6+
MIT License
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extremely jerky #29

Open gmichal opened 10 years ago

gmichal commented 10 years ago

even with less frames <10 if this is applied on a view which contains a tableview everything is extremely jerky.

Good try though. thank you for your work.

SAFAD commented 10 years ago

Maybe you can explain more with what is extremely jerky? screenshots, what is jerky?

gmichal commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure what you want me to explain.

Jerky = tableview cells don't move smoothly when scrolling up/down


SAFAD commented 10 years ago

maybe you can post a gif? would definitely help diagnose the issue. BUT, I will take a guess and say you are using images that are loaded from the web (avatars maybe?) if so, please use a "lazyimage" solution and see if the "jerkiness" remains (if you are using afnetworking, I suggest you to check the UIImage extension, it is a builtin solution in afnetowrking framework to lazyimage)

gmichal commented 10 years ago

The tableview is contains only text! gif is not an option right now. I apologise.