alexeckert / parallelDist

R Package: Parallel Distance Matrix Computation using Multiple Threads
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Include Gower's distance from daisy-function of Cluster package #29

Open AndreM84 opened 2 years ago

AndreM84 commented 2 years ago

Hi Alex,

your package seems to be a great help when working with large data sets, as I do. Is there a chance to quickly include the Gower distance, which is part of the daisy()-function in cluster-package?

I checked the Github CRAN mirror for cluster, but the function seems to be Fortran coded and not C++ as shown in your vignette. daisy.f Is there a chance for an easy kind of copy-paste-action or does it mean coding has to be done in C++?

Or did you implement another distance method for mixed variables which I missed, when reading the vignette and the package description?

many thanks in advance and best regards André

alexeckert commented 2 years ago

Hello André,

you could check out f2c, a library which converts fortran to c.. I'll keep this distance in mind as a candidate to be added to the library.