alexedwards / scs

HTTP Session Management for Go
MIT License
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Support Turso and libsql #192

Open briancbarrow opened 6 months ago

briancbarrow commented 6 months ago

libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is used for Turso databases. I was trying to set up the session manager to use with my Turso DB but was running into issues. I think I narrowed it down to libsql expecting a ? as a variable placeholder instead of $1. I cloned the repo and was able to get it working by just replacing those.

I'll open up a PR with those added.

briancbarrow commented 4 months ago

@alexedwards do you think this is something we can add? I have the PR open for it already.

JayJamieson commented 3 months ago

I am in the same situation looking for a libsql based store so I can work with turso db.