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Notice: the stable Helm charts have been deprecated, new alternatives are required #274

Open alexellis opened 3 years ago

alexellis commented 3 years ago

What happened

This is a notice that the stable Helm chart repo has been deprecated and the maintainers have deleted all artifacts for helm charts.


If you are relying on any charts in the stable repository, you can no longer build new systems or use your applications.

This means you will have to responsibly source an alternative, or fork the stable repository and maintain it yourself. When I say "responsibly source" that means do not just trust a third-party fork of a component you need, it's very easy for someone to deploy malicious code to your cluster that way.


As per

The stable repo can be used as read-only with previously published versions:

$ helm repo add stable --force-update 
$ helm install stable/docker-registry

Affected apps

Various Arkade apps used the stable helm chart repo to deploy software to your cluster, where possible third-party projects have already moved to their own chart repositories such as Ingress-Nginx. OpenFaaS for instance has always used its own repository and is not affected.

The following charts will have to be removed as apps, or re-sourced from upstream trusted publishers:

All other apps either use: a manifest or a CLI to install, and will not be affected.

If you are a user of arkade and need help, feel free to pitch in.

If you are the maintainer of the stable helm repo, perhaps this could have been communicated better? It was not clear that all artifacts were going to be immediately deleted. The mirror that was put up is also giving 404 errors, so that may need investigating too.

scottrigby commented 3 years ago

To be clear, the artifacts have not been deleted, they are hosted indefinitely, sponsored by GitHub. There was a short blip where paths had a typo only for the most recent version. This has been fixed in

The chart’s repo is read only, but artifacts are evergreen.

Please join the ongoing initiative to move continuing development of chart source code to new repos:

alexellis commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the fix, that's appreciated and takes off some immediate pressure for us.

Jenkins has moved here ->

Folks, feel free to post links to the above charts and where they have moved to.

alexellis commented 3 years ago

Grafana is available here ->

alexellis commented 3 years ago

@nitishkumar71 and @yankeexe would you be able to help with this?

nitishkumar71 commented 3 years ago

Minio is available here ->

nitishkumar71 commented 3 years ago

@alexellis Do you think, we can use for mongo, postgres, sealed secrets(in future) and few other applications in future. As this chart repo will guarantee stability in future.

No upstream found for mongo(found for operator) and postgres.

alexellis commented 3 years ago

I've linked to upstream. We should always prefer upstream to Bitnami where available

nitishkumar71 commented 3 years ago

@alexellis I could not find any upstream repo for the remaining apps.

alexellis commented 3 years ago

I sent links for Grafana and Jenkins, and you found a link for Minio. Can you start with those?

nitishkumar71 commented 3 years ago

should we also upgrade them to new app style?

alexellis commented 3 years ago

Yes go ahead please

scottrigby commented 3 years ago

@alexellis would you mind changing the title of this issue? It's still concerning to people who see it but don't read the comments. If you don't mind. thank you!

alexellis commented 3 years ago

@scottrigby if that's the case, can you confirm why we're still seeing this error being reported by users?

 arkade install docker-registry
Using kubeconfig: 
Using Kubeconfig: /home/alex/.kube/config
Client: x86_64, Linux
2020/12/04 14:26:16 User dir established as: /home/alex/.arkade/
"stable" has been added to your repositories

Error: failed to fetch : 404 Not Found
Error: exit code 1
scottrigby commented 3 years ago

Hi @alexellis I just answered this at

alexellis commented 3 years ago

/set title: Notice: the stable Helm charts have been deprecated, new alternatives are required

alexellis commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much @scottrigby - I've updated the title.

Shikachuu commented 1 year ago

Only need 1 more to go: Mongodb, I think the bitnami chart should be fine there, because Mongodb now uses operators as their offical chart, so it is nowhere close to 1:1 feature parity.

alexellis commented 1 year ago

Thank you @Shikachuu for taking these on.

Since this is really about apps for local development, I think that the Bitnami chart would be fine.

saggiyogesh commented 1 year ago

Bitnami images doesn't support ARM arch and they don't have any plan to fix this.

alexellis commented 1 year ago

I was already aware of that.

Which chart does that affect that needs to be updated @saggiyogesh ?

Do you have an alternative that you prefer?

elyesbenamor commented 6 months ago

@nitishkumar71 the new minio link you added is not available, new issue submitted to fix the repo chart #1012