alexellis / arkade

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Automate generation of README tables #736

Open YuviGold opened 2 years ago

YuviGold commented 2 years ago

The README tables of the catalog of CLIs and apps might become out of sync from time to time. It should be automatically generated and fail build in case not committed.

Expected Behaviour

Any new CLI / app to the catalog automatically updates arkade help messages and it should update the static files as well. i.e.

Current Behaviour

The gets out-of-sync and requires manual updates.

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Possible Solution

Generation of static files using


Making this repository more automated

Your Environment

arkade version
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Open Source Marketplace For Developer Tools

Version: 0.8.32
Git Commit: b004f9adb0f90c89ef1440f988685fd6b6111d3f

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alexellis commented 2 years ago

Hi @YuviGold

Thanks for your interest here

As usual, all issues require approval from a maintainer before we can consider a technical solution.


YuviGold commented 2 years ago

Closed the PR till deciding on the technical solution.

The solution needs to support:

Jasstkn commented 2 years ago

Maybe move table generation to a separate file then execute generation command/script and use git to define if there is a diff?