alexellis / mine-with-docker

Mine cryptocurrencies with Docker containers and get paid in Bitcoin (BTC)
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verify: Detected task failure #10

Open tannerchung opened 6 years ago

tannerchung commented 6 years ago

Just ran this on my swarm docker service create --mode=global --name miner alexellis2/cpu-opt:2018-1-2 ./cpuminer -a hodl o stratum+ tcp:// -u <wallet>.crypto-1

But getting a verify: Detected task failure message

overall progress: 0 out of 1 tasks
p4p7u7r7z7pp: ready     [======================================>            ]
verify: Detected task failure

It keeps looping like that. Any clear issues?

nikolojedison commented 6 years ago

I'm getting a similar issue on my swarm, and haven't found any solutions yet, even after removing Docker entirely and rebuilding the swarm from scratch.

sandpaperezox commented 6 years ago

Having the same issue with multiple linux hosts, however it works fine on macOS. Affected Linux Builds: Ubuntu 17.10 (GNU/Linux 4.13.0-36-generic x86_64), Docker Version 18.01.0-ce CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core), Docker Version 17.12.1-ce CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core), Docker Version 17.12.0-ce

Working systems: macOS 10.13.3, Docker Version 17.12.0-ce Windows 10, Docker Version 17.12.0-ce

Some error outp from docker service ps: [root@docker-c7vm ~]# docker service ps mg35d8jz5c9kq85w8t7licsea ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS n23mir4q4pds miner.eo298lr98e7xyx2ht64zovufw alexellis2/cpu-opt:2018-1-2 docker-c7vm Ready Ready 3 seconds ago r6h0rq0kdl5b \_ miner.eo298lr98e7xyx2ht64zovufw alexellis2/cpu-opt:2018-1-2 docker-c7vm Shutdown Failed 14 seconds ago "task: non-zero exit (1)" tpa9n2gxb7i8 \_ miner.eo298lr98e7xyx2ht64zovufw alexellis2/cpu-opt:2018-1-2 docker-c7vm Shutdown Failed 25 seconds ago "task: non-zero exit (1)" wpbmadmlttqg \_ miner.eo298lr98e7xyx2ht64zovufw alexellis2/cpu-opt:2018-1-2 docker-c7vm Shutdown Failed 31 seconds ago "task: non-zero exit (1)" w29g91cjpo27 \_ miner.eo298lr98e7xyx2ht64zovufw alexellis2/cpu-opt:2018-1-2 docker-c7vm Shutdown Failed 36 seconds ago "task: non-zero exit (1)"

vincentkedison commented 6 years ago
tvwiye2raunp: ready     [======================================>            ] 
verify: Detected task failure 
abeltre1 commented 6 years ago

Docker Swarm Create

Linux Flavor

No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: LinuxMint Description: Linux Mint 18.1 Serena Release: 18.1 Codename: serena


Has anyone resolved this issue? I am having the exact same issues as everyone above.


tasknotready [cc@infinidocker-1 ~]$ docker service create --name master4000 --replicas 1 --publish 9100:9100 --detach=false --network mpinetwork abeltre1/ubuntu:ssh oeivx6gf0zfc0uw4v77h2wyp3 overall progress: 0 out of 1 tasks 1/1: starting verify: Detected task failure

Docker Version

screenshot from 2018-03-16 00-36-43

Creating service

docker service create --name master7000 --replicas 1 --publish 9100:9100 --detach=false --network mpinetwork abeltre1/ubuntu:ssh

itzharDev commented 6 years ago

make sure you add replicas tag:

deploy: replicas: 1

i think there is no default value for it

fdiazcobos commented 6 years ago

The service you are trying to run is exiting. So it tries to create a new one everytime. You can check the logs by docker service ls docker service ls <name_of_the_service>

krasowskir commented 5 years ago

The service you are trying to run is exiting. So it tries to create a new one everytime. You can check the logs by docker service ls docker service ls <name_of_the_service>

this is not true. You cannot display the logs with

docker service ls You need to find out the containers and then execute this command on the containers

alexellis commented 5 years ago

What is the CPU being used?

docker service logs and service ps can give some important debug info.

You may also just need to rebuild the container image.

AnThoi commented 5 years ago

We the same problem. How can i fix it ? I run docker service inspect service-name: [ { "ID": "u3ocbtew33wweg3taj8chbh22", "Version": { "Index": 433872 }, "CreatedAt": "2019-09-20T04:03:37.963239105Z", "UpdatedAt": "2019-09-20T04:03:38.013533657Z", "Spec": { "Name": "apmtest", "Labels": {}, "TaskTemplate": { "ContainerSpec": { "Image": "registry-server:5000/apm20190920:latest", "Init": false, "StopGracePeriod": 10000000000, "DNSConfig": {}, "Isolation": "default" }, "Resources": { "Limits": {}, "Reservations": {} }, "RestartPolicy": { "Condition": "any", "Delay": 5000000000, "MaxAttempts": 0 }, "Placement": {}, "ForceUpdate": 0, "Runtime": "container" }, "Mode": { "Replicated": { "Replicas": 3 } }, "UpdateConfig": { "Parallelism": 1, "FailureAction": "pause", "Monitor": 5000000000, "MaxFailureRatio": 0, "Order": "stop-first" }, "RollbackConfig": { "Parallelism": 1, "FailureAction": "pause", "Monitor": 5000000000, "MaxFailureRatio": 0, "Order": "stop-first" }, "EndpointSpec": { "Mode": "vip", "Ports": [ { "Protocol": "tcp", "TargetPort": 8200, "PublishedPort": 9202, "PublishMode": "ingress" } ] } }, "Endpoint": { "Spec": { "Mode": "vip", "Ports": [ { "Protocol": "tcp", "TargetPort": 8200, "PublishedPort": 9202, "PublishMode": "ingress" } ] }, "Ports": [ { "Protocol": "tcp", "TargetPort": 8200, "PublishedPort": 9202, "PublishMode": "ingress" } ], "VirtualIPs": [ { "NetworkID": "ojvqw3ikbxtqzfgjoiwndb7u9", "Addr": "" } ] } } ]

sesjehen-vestha-kxall commented 4 years ago

WOW it took a really long time (from 5pm to 2:30 am) but in my various attemps including the use of docker-machine and docker swarm directly on physical and virtual hosts, I realize to do the following and IT WORKED FINE but not as I expected (reason described bellow) apt-get remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli apt-cache madison docker-ce Then I selected 5:18.09.3~3-0~ubuntu-bionic apt-get install docker-ce=5:18.09.0~3-0~ubuntu-bionic docker-ce-cli=5:18.09.0~3-0~ubuntu-bionic

and so, I done docker swarm init --advertise-addr [manager address] /I set the manager address as static address, but the /

on my node physical machine docker swarm join --token [Token] [manager address]:[manager port (normally 2377)]

and then the fire proof docker service create --name clust --replicas 4 nginx

which worked fine; BUT if I try to use mysql:5.7 instead of nginx the containers are exited before the service converge, my original purpose was to create a service with mysql instances but it doesn't worked. Nevertheless, it worked (I'll try to find a solution in my case).

Hope this give some light over this issue.