I've usually just used whatever comes with a starter kit, but now is a good time to go through the config and options for setting this up on a React project.
start with notion of just using whatever the starter pack tells me to use
look in the config file and all it says is "extends: one-thing" which is very confusing
go through why I am doing this after starting with pre-defined rules and then backing out of that project to start a fresh one with similar code
Be wary of one-liners like "extends airbnb" just feels wrong nd have no idea what's going on
I tried airbnb but didn't like the extreme of not having JSX in .js files. No one cares about this anymore...try to find links about people not caring
Talk about confusion with which plugins to install and what extends means
env - I needed to add some of these, like node and jest, to get errors about undefined global variables
React rules of hooks and if that config is needed anymore...seems like I got told off when placing a conditional above a hook without adding the plugin - https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-rules.html
Go through looking at Gatsby's plugin and how to setup
See that the plugin uses ESLint 5 and not 6
See that all it is doing is adding something to gatsby-node.js that I can place into my codebase without adding the dependency or at least try to do that
I've usually just used whatever comes with a starter kit, but now is a good time to go through the config and options for setting this up on a React project.
files. No one cares about this anymore...try to find links about people not caringeslintrc.js
config file with my opinions - https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuringgatsby-node.js
that I can place into my codebase without adding the dependency or at least try to do that