alexforencich / verilog-ethernet

Verilog Ethernet components for FPGA implementation
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Help to send data using UDP #133

Open Juan8UTN opened 1 year ago

Juan8UTN commented 1 year ago

Hi, first of all, thanks for sharing your knowledge and give this IP. I'm currently doing my final project to obtain my Bachelor's Degree in Electronics Engineering and, as a part of the project, i need to send some data using UDP. I was, for several days, reading the differents parts of the code but i wasn't able to send any data. But, the reality is, i really am kind of a newbie in the FPGA's world and i got a little lost. Letting aside that much speech, i need to know what modules i should modify to, for the start, send with my computer some string (doesn't matter what) and receive from the FPGA another predefined string as, for example, "Acknowledge". Sorry if i commited some error with english, it is not my first lenguage, and sorry for bother your with this, highly, silly question. Greetings from Argentina.

unbtorsten commented 1 year ago

This is where the the default loopback is implemented: (The examples for other boards will be similar, YMMV)

The outbound data is wired up here:

Juan8UTN commented 1 year ago

This is where the the default loopback is implemented: (The examples for other boards will be similar, YMMV)

The outbound data is wired up here:

Thanks a lot, Torsten. I'm gonna try to modify that and see what happen. Greetings.

8talha commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for your guide @unbtorsten . I tried sending data using @unbtorsten guide. I send my custom data to udp_payload_fifo input and connected it's output to UDP Frame input of udp_complete_inst. The problem I am facing here is udp_complete_inst IP is not generating valid true for Ready for Input signal which is tx_udp_payload_axis_tready signal when I insert my data into this IP. but it generates valid true for this signal when I send data from Host to FPGA. Here is the screenshot of UDP frame Input data signal in idle case(means no transmission of data from host to FPGA) image Here is the screenshot of UDP frame Input data signal when I send data from Host to fpga image As you can see tx_udp_payload_axis_tready is switching On when data from Host to fpga comes. Although it shouldn't behave like this as currently I am sending my custom data from FPGA to Host. I am also sharing my lines of code where I did modification to send custom data

// Loop back UDP
//wire match_cond = rx_udp_dest_port == 1234;
//wire no_match = ~match_cond;

//reg match_cond_reg = 0;
//reg no_match_reg = 0;

//always @(posedge clk) begin
//    if (rst) begin
//        match_cond_reg <= 0;
//        no_match_reg <= 0;
//    end else begin
//        if (rx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid) begin
//            if ((~match_cond_reg & ~no_match_reg) |
//                (rx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid & rx_udp_payload_axis_tready & rx_udp_payload_axis_tlast)) begin
//                match_cond_reg <= match_cond;
//                no_match_reg <= no_match;
//            end
//        end else begin
//            match_cond_reg <= 0;
//            no_match_reg <= 0;
//        end
//    end

//assign tx_udp_hdr_valid = rx_udp_hdr_valid & match_cond;
//assign rx_udp_hdr_ready = (tx_eth_hdr_ready & match_cond) | no_match;
assign tx_udp_hdr_valid = rx_udp_hdr_valid;
assign rx_udp_hdr_ready = tx_eth_hdr_ready;
assign tx_udp_ip_dscp = 0;
assign tx_udp_ip_ecn = 0;
assign tx_udp_ip_ttl = 64;
assign tx_udp_ip_source_ip = local_ip;
assign tx_udp_ip_dest_ip = rx_udp_ip_source_ip;
assign tx_udp_source_port = rx_udp_dest_port;
assign tx_udp_dest_port = rx_udp_source_port;
//assign tx_udp_length = rx_udp_length;
assign tx_udp_length = 16'd50000;

assign tx_udp_checksum = 0;

assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tdata = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata;// UDP payload FIFO out data
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tkeep = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid;
//assign tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready = tx_udp_payload_axis_tready;
assign tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready = 1'b1;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tlast = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tuser = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser;

//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata = rx_udp_payload_axis_tdata;//UDP Frame out
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep = rx_udp_payload_axis_tkeep;
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid = rx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid & match_cond_reg;
//assign rx_udp_payload_axis_tready = (rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready & match_cond_reg) | no_match_reg;
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast = rx_udp_payload_axis_tlast;
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser = rx_udp_payload_axis_tuser;

//Custom data input coming from rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata1 to udp payload FIFO input
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata1;//custom data input from rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata1
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep1;
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid1;
assign rx_udp_payload_axis_tready = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready;//Tell UDP frame Input FIFO that I am ready
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast1;
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser1;